Bitola, Macedonia
Opening: December, 28
- 2006
Curator: Biljana Petrovska
Partner: Luca Curci - International Art
Location: Cultural Center "Magaza" -
Bitola, Macedonia
ATTITUDE - video /short & experimental
film/ photography festival.
Festival ATTITUDE which is going
to live through its third realization this year, will be opened on 28th of
December 2006 at 20.00 with the exhibition of photography by 17 artists:
Dominique Panhuysen (Netherlands), Yane Calovski (Macedonia), Charles
Citron (Netherlands/USA), Jana Kunovska (Macedonia), Orit Ishay (Israel),
Aleksandar Grozdanovski (Macedonia), Marina Gertsovskaya (Russia/Germany),
Tim Deussen (Germany), Chris de Lutz (USA/Germany), Darko Moraitov
(Macedonia), Vladimir Knezevic (Macedonia), Iwona Borkovska & Lucina
Viale (Poland/Germany), Beti Avramovska (Macedonia), Valentin Dimanovski
(Macedonia), Marina Lyubaskina (Russia/Germany), Ljupco Temelkovski
(Macedonia) and the projection of videos and short films at Cultural
Center ?Magaza? starting from 20.30. The next day (29th December) the
projections will start at 12.30 and at 20.30. On 30th of December they
will start at 12.30 and at 20.30 with the videos by Luca Curci and Fabiana
Roscioli from Italy and experimental feature "The Judge" by Macedonian
artist Zaneta Vangeli.
The exhibition of photography will be opened until
28.01.2007. All selected works are focused on the problem which as a
concept (and a question) of this project has been posed: The artist?s
attitude is the most authentic _expression_ of what is going on in the
society. In a world where the individual is rejected because of the power
of any kind and in a world in which all spheres of interest are focused on
globalization, the power of the artist could be the strongest weapon
against it. Can the artist be identified through his (her) own act of
creating (as the most important one) considering the fact that the new
visions and attitudes are changing the image of the future world?
In collaboration with: Luca Curci - International Art
Expo, Italy / The One Minutes Foundation, Amsterdam / Jovan Balov - Prima
Center Berlin - Skopje / Zoran Petrovski - Museum of Contemporary Art -
Skopje / Melentie Pandilovski - Experimental Art Foundation, Addelaide -
Australia / Skip Blumberg, New York USA / Anna Tsouloufi-Lagiou, Athens -
Greece and with the support from USA Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia and
media support from TERA television.
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