Einladung / Invitation
Samstag, 09. November 2013 / 20 Uhr / Saturday, November 09th, 2013 / 8pm
Klara Adam
Michalis Nicolaides
Panikos Tembriotis
Demetris Neokleous
Christophe de Rohan Chabot
Arcade Aeschylus is an exchanging project from
cyprus, that brings art and philosophy together by
accidental encounters with artists, familiar with each
other and strangers, within a predetermined time and
local contexts that seek to link their projects with the
aim of an unpredictable effect!
Participants’ artists use different mediums of
_expression_ and swoop from a different philosophical
framework but primarily artistic past. Compose a
‘‘different’’ more than what they are accustomed and
operate beyond trite presentations and ordinary
contexts. Kreuzberg Pavillon is transformed into a
workshop discussion calling for open dialogue
exploring random visual coincidences.
Five artists with different backgrounds and from four
different cities meet in a random visual coexistence.
Having the willingness to communicate in a common
visual experiment where their personal reason put on
the table for a public improvisation. Trying to
experiment with the possibilities in which the random
can perceived as theory.
Important role in their coexistence play the small details
in the chain of causes and consequences that can cause
extremely complex consequences, seemingly random
and unpredictable transcendental. And if the accident is
the label that the human mind shall affix to any process
or sequence of events, several complications that the
temporal evolution is not predictable from him, then the
venture - Random Theory seems to be an interesting
artistic adventure for participating artists but also for
the spectators.Köstliche reichhaltige Suppe wird serviert.
Delicious rich soup will be served
Kreuzberg Pavillon
Naunynstraße 53
10999 Berlin