Apologies for x-posting
The journal of performance studies, Liminalities issue 10.1 (
http://liminalities.net/10-1/), a special issue guest edited by Garrett Lynch (University of South Wales) and Rea Dennis (Deakin University), is now online. The contributions to this issue have been compiled from the outcomes of the international conference Remote Encounters: Connecting Bodies, Collapsing Spaces and Temporal Ubiquity in Networked Performance held at the University of South Wales on the 11th and 12th of April 2013. The conference brought together artists and scholars with a joint interest in using networks as a means to enhance or create a wide variety of performance arts. The direct url to the issue is below, please do forward to your networks/colleagues etc.
Liminalities issue 10.1 -
Garrett Lynch / Rea Dennis