integer on 30 Sep 2000 21:49:25 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] [ot] [!nt] \3k^Pr\

>if you don't remember me 
>I am the one 

                                                - hops max. byte packets

log!k f!llz dze velt. dze boundar!ez ov dze velt = !tz boundar!ez az well.
!n log!k dzere 4 1 kannot ztate dzere = d!sz and d!sz !n dze velt but not dzat
4 2 ztate tzo would presupoze dzat serta!n posz!b!l!t!ez = eczkludd + d!sz
kannot b dze kasz az !t would reku!re dzat log!k should travl b!ond dze
ov dze velt az !f !t kould kontemplate dzeze boundar1ez 4rom dze odr s!de
az well.
what 1 kannot th!nk 1 kannot th!nk dzere 4 1 altzo kannot ztate dzat wh!ch
1 kannot th!nk.

log!kl p!kturez dp!kt dze velt.
1 p!kture haz log!ko p!ktor!al 4rm !n kommon w!th what !t = dp!ktz.
1 p!kture dp!ktz real!t! b! reprezent!ng 1 poz!b!l!t! ov eczs!ztensz
+ non-ecz!stensz ov ztatez ov affa!rz.
1 p!kture agr!z w!th real!t! or !t fa!lz 2 agr!
!t = korrekt or !t = true or falsz.

what 1 p!kture reprezentz !t reprezentz !ndependentl! ov !tz truth or fals!t!
- b! meanz ov !tz p!ktor!al 4rm.

what 1 p!kture reprezentz = !tz sensz.

1 log!kl p!kture ov faktz = 1 thought.

1 ztate ov affa!rz = th!nkabl.

dze total!t! ov tru thoughtz = dze p!kture ov dze velt.

1 thought konta!nz dze posz!b!l!t! ov dze s!tuat!on ov
wh!ch !t = dze thought. what = th!nkabl = posbl az well.

thought kan nvr b ov an!dz!ng !llog!kl due 2 !f !t were
1 should hav 2 th!nk !llog!kall!

truth = dzat 1 kannot ztate what 1 !llog!kl velt would look l!ke.

!t = az !mposz!bl 2 reprezent !n language an!dz!ng dzat kontrad!ktz log!k
az !t !z !n geometr! 2 reprezent b! !tz koord!natez 1 f!gure wh!ch kontrad!ktz
dze lawz ov spasz - or 2 g!v dze koord!natez ov 1 po!nt wh!ch doez not ecz!st.

though 1 ztate ov affa!rz dzat would kontravene
dze lawz ov f!z!kx kan b reprezentd spat!all!
1 dzat would kontravene dze lawz ov geometr! kannot.

!n 1 propoz!t!on 1 thought f!ndz 1 eczpress!on dzat kan b perce!vd b! dze sensez
1 propoz!t!on doez not aktuall! konta!n !tz sensz but !t konta!nz dze poz!b!l!t!
ov eczpress!ng !t

                                                >wreck something,

                                                   luv zomth!ng

                                    [k  z m o g l  t a]






>of the 
>2 first genration media art students in Croatia
>( and a friend of Klif.
>I am comming tonet.congetion next weekend as one of the 
>representatives ...
>I was wondering if you would be there
>and maybe we could meet and talk about 
>plans for Croatia (if we would organize a 
>festival or workshop or whatever ...)
>Anyway Klif is heaving a very busy time
>so he still didn't installed Nato on his
>Mac ... we should be doing this tomorrow night 
>How exciting ... !
>Best wishes,
>.....:::...:.  :..:::...:..:.:.. ...:..:..:...::....
>             'just love those random dots

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