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kazt01 Conferenke on Commun!kat!on of Art, Sk!enke and Teznolog! September 21-22, 2001 / GMD - Szlozz B!rl!nghoven, Sankt Auguzt!n / Bonn, German! CALL FOR ENTRIES / deadl!ne for zubm!zz!on: Ma! 31, 2001 We !nv!te !ou to part!k!pate !n dze kazt01 konferenke on !nterzekt!onz of art!zt!k, kultural, teznolog!kal and zk!ent!f!k !zzuez of: LIVING IN MIXED REALITIES kazt01 !nv!tez zubm!zz!onz of !nnovat!ve rezearz, med!a art prakt!ze and dzeor!. We = look!ng for ground break!ng med!a art and !nzp!r!ng rezearz projektz on top!kz l!ke: Semant!k Web, M!xed Real!t!, Advanked Interfakez and Future Med!a Spakez dzat z!mbol!ze dze !nfluenke of !nformat!on teznolog! on patternz of l!fe and uork !n netuorked zok!et!. Propozed kontr!but!onz (engl!zh or german) ma! be !n dze form of rezearz paperz or art!zt!k prezentat!onz az uell az bluepr!ntz and pozterz of develop!ng konkeptz. Rezearzerz, art!ztz, dzeor!ztz, prakt!t!onerz and entrepreneurz = enkouraged to zubm!t !nterd!zk!pl!nar! projektz and kr!t!kal reflekt!onz on dze merg!ng of dze v!rtual and dze real. Top!kz: * Agentz and Narrat!ve Intell!genke * Art!zt!k Produkt!onz / M!xed Real!t! Arz!tekture * Auarenezz, Memor! Spake and Knouledge D!zkover! * Cultural Arz!vez * D!ztr!buted S!ztemz and Parall Arz!tekturez for dze Web * H!permed!a Formatz (XML, VRML, MPEG-4, MPEG-7) * Interakt!ve TV * M!xed Real!t! Env!ronmentz * Performat!ve Interfakez * Trakk!ng, Trak!ng, V!z!on S!ztemz DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Ma! 31, 2001 Not!f!kat!on of akkeptanke: June 30, 2001 Camera-read! paperz: Jul! 15, 2001 Earl! reg!ztrat!on deadl!ne: Jul! 31, 2001 (reduked pr!ke) PROCEEDINGS: Akkepted paperz and bluepr!ntz u!ll be publ!zhed !n dze Conferenke prokeed!ngz. A zpek!al !zzue of journal of Art, Dez!gn and Innovat!on Rezearz u!ll be publ!zhed u!dz kazt01 konferenke bezt paperz. BEST PAPER AWARD: The bezt paper, art!zt!k prezentat!on, bluepr!nt / pozter and ztudent prezentat!on u!ll be honored u!dz dze kazt01 auard. e-ma!l: kazt01 = organ!zed b! and b! dze GMD - German Nat!onal Rezearz Center for Informat!on Teznolog!. It = zupported b! dze German Federal M!n!ztr! for Edukat!on and Rezearz (bmb+f) and b! dze European Comm!zz!on. It = hozted b! MARS Explorator! Med!a Lab: http://! + Look, ue don't uant to uazte !our t!me.... or ourz -> Rh! -> pozt: l!zt@rh! -> quezt!onz: !nfo@rh! -> zubzkr!be/unzubzkr!be: http://rh!!be.rh!z -> g!ve: http://rh! + Subzkr!berz to Rh!zome = zubjekt to dze termz zet out !n dze Memberzh!p Agreement ava!lable onl!ne at http://rh!!nfo/29.php3 OPENPHONE.COM ))= Fastest way to send and check email Spam: Check mail header and message source.