k. on Fri, 27 Apr 2001 07:23:32 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] webcast

- badpacket -

Live webcast on Year Zero One as part of Station Rose's "Webcast Lounge"
at Art Frankfurt!

Streaming by TrickMedia.

Saturday April 28, 2001
12 PM - 1 PM - US Eastern Standard Time
6 PM - 7 PM - Central European Time
4 PM - 5 PM - Universal Time

Mike Steventon + Michelle Kasprzak = badpacket
Live audio by P R O J E C T (Lewis & Prasad)

badpacket use performance as a vehicle for the exploration of
contemporary issues relating to the interfacing of humans and machines.
In particular, they examine the changing role of human biology in the
age of smart machines and genetic modification, and the evolution taking
place within the architecture of human communication.

badpacket use computer generated imagery, performance, live video mixing
and projection, to create a unique layered environment that taps into
our hopes and fears for the future of technology.  Combining the use of
digital, analogue, and live techniques allows badpacket to plunder the
immediacy of the internet, the fluidity of live video mixing, and the
responsive interactivity of performance.

P R O J E C T is the work of Prasad Bidaye and Lewis Kaye exploring the
possibilities of sound manipulation, improvised programming and live
re-mixing.  Their purpose is to transcend the barriers of contemporary
electronic music while in pursuit of spontaneous frequencies and other sonic
forces that ease the body and move the mind.  Central to this philosophy is
an openness towards collaboration across the entire spectrum of media.

Check out the live webstream, hosted on Year Zero One:
Streaming services provided by: Trick Media/Idiosyntactix.
Toronto performance location provided by Michelle Teran.

More info:

Time Conversion calculator:

Special thanks to:
Dmytri Kleiner, TrickMedia, Idiosyntactix, Station Rose, Year Zero One,
Michael Alstad, Michelle Teran.

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