John R. Hall on Thu, 16 Aug 2001 23:45:41 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-bold] Visual Worlds conference announcement |
Visual Worlds / An Interdisciplinary
26 - 28 October 2001
The UC Davis Center for History, Society, and Culture (CHSC) announces a major interdisciplinary conference, Visual Worlds, to be held at the UC Davis campus, Friday, October 26 through Sunday, October 28, 2001. Our premise is that social worlds—groups of people bound together by shared norms and practices—are not only reflected in but also shaped by visual conventions. Art historian Erwin Panofsky famously explained how Renaissance linear perspective operated as a “symbolic form” that helped organize the social understanding of a new socioeconomic order. The central premise of Visual Worlds is that today newly emergent visual forms are similarly having wide-ranging social, economic, and political consequences. Visual expression is of particular importance now because it facilitates cross-cultural communication occurring with globalization and serves as a catalyst for transforming information into a commodity, and hence, for the development of the “New Economy.” Featured conference speakers include sociologists Darnell Hunt, Marshall Battani, and Robin Wagner-Pacifici; cultural critics Lauren Berlant, Jennifer Gonzalez, Constance Penley and Jon Lapointe; artists Mary Kelly, ®tMark, Andrea Fraser and Allan Sekula, and intellectual historian Martin Jay. Conference artists will be featured at a concurrent exhibition at the UC Davis Nelson Art Gallery and Fine Arts Collection. Conference is free but pre-registration is required. |