Hope everyone has a great time!
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# 1 - Print Shop Select 12 + 10,000 clipart pack - This is an incredible buy. It's basically PrintShop 12 just not as much clipart! You can create banners, booklets, business cards, greeting cards, letterhead, photo albums, report covers, labels, postcards, and TONS more! Considering PrintShop retails for $49.95, this is a fantastic deal!
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PS- Remember, we have our "Buy 3, get 15% off" sale through Nov 3rd, 2002. So, get to the site and order today!
Office 101
Word: Changing Default Tab Stops
By default, MS Word
gives you tab stops one-half inch apart, which is great for most of us
about 99% of the time.
But what about that
other 1% of the time?
Is there a quick way
to change the tabs to, oh, let's say, one-inch? (Or do you have to double
tab your way through the whole document?)
Yep. (Yep, there is
a solution. Not, yep to the double tabbing thing.)
Go to the Format
menu, Tabs choice.
In the upper left
corner look for the Default tabs stops box. Change the number to
your required tab interval, click OK and then you're back on your
**For those of you
who would want this type of change for all your documents you'll need
to make the change in the Normal template. Visit our archives at
to see the tip on changing the normal template. Check out the April 9,
2002, issue for this one.
Tip of the Day
Play Follow The Tab Leader?!!?
Ever have a document
where you just needed a blank line before or after something?
Or maybe you were
creating a list and needed to get the little dots (
) in between
columns of information.
Have you ever wondered
if there was a better way to insert all those periods? (I mean, who wants
to spend all that time getting just the right number of periods in the
You know there is.
The real question is - would you like to know how?
Well, if your answer
is yes than this is the tip for you.
What you're looking
for is tab leaders.
Tab leaders?
Yes - tab leaders.
They're lines (either
solid, dotted or dashed) that fill in the space between the tabbed columns.
The really cool thing
about using tab leaders, instead of just hand typing in all the characters,
is that during the editing process the line will automatically adjust
to the needed length as you add or remove characters before the line.
So, how do we get
to the tab leaders?
Well, the first thing
you'll need to do is set your tab stop in the correct space.
Got them? Yes - good,
let's move on. (If you're wondering how to manually set tabs you could
check out our archives at
Look for the April 18, 2002, issue where I covered custom tabs in MS Word.)
Now that your tabs
are set, let's get to the leaders.
You'll need to go
to the Format menu, Tabs choice.
When the Tab
window opens you should have a list of the tabs you've set on the left
and then the options you can choose from on the right.
You need to click
on a tab from the list on the left - the tab you'd like to set a tab leader.
Now that you've chosen
a tab to change take a look at the bottom of the right side. See the Leader
section? That's where you have the three line options (plus the choice
of None for no line at all).
Click on your choice
for that particular tab and then click the Set button. (If you're
only setting one tab click OK and you'll save the tab leader and
exit the window at the same time. If you have more than one tab to set,
use the Set button between making changes to each tab stop - otherwise
the changes won't be saved.)
That's it - you're
done. Now when you hit the Tab key to get to that particular tab
stop you'll get a leader line to fill in the gap.
(Here's another idea
for you. I like to use this one - the solid line - when creating blank
lines on printed documents. I set a tab at the very right and set a leader
line. A couple of quick tab and enter keys and I've got tons of blank
lines for my latest masterpiece.)
Have a great day!
~ April