World Associates, Inc. (World) was founded in 1990 and it has evolved into a fully integrated ! real estate enterprise. World is combining access to the capital markets, a competency with Internet technology, a portfolio of sustainable technologies, and the inherent strength of real estate as a means of creating shareholder value. Early in 2002 World acquired more than $10 million in real estate assets. The company is negotiating other joint venture opportunities and alliances, and it will continue to expand it's growing portfolio of assets to develop. Objective: The company˙FFFF92s immediate objective is to execute a plan of development for it's current assets that include more than 300 acres of property valued at more than $10,000,000 When fully developed, the property will support more than 700 homes representing more than $100,000,000 in total sales over the next four years. The company will continue to add to the assets it owns, focusing on land development, affordable! housing, 55+ housing, and infill housing. - Recently acquired more than $10 M in real estate assets
- Rising prices of California real property
- Demand for affordable housing is soaring due to immigration.
- This is an early stage opportunity with good upside potential.
- Real estate may provide assets that allow for a listing on a major exchange
Conclusion: Real estate is the traditional hard asset and it is the foundation of World Associates, Inc. The strength and potential for growth embodied by the current real estate market, dictates that this sector be in the spotlight for creating value. The Savvy Investor chooses its first pick of the New Year - World Associates Inc. (WAIV). With their strategic positioning and acquisitions WAIV is sure to move to the forefront of the sector. In an unstable market - its a necessity to add strong stocks to your portfolio. This has been the February Edition of The Savvy Investor Newsletter. Editing Chairman