I'm *Really* Excited About This One!
Oh, do we have an AWESOME title in!
It's Home Depot's Home Improvement 1-2-3 (plus a bonus :-) and it's very, very cool.
This interactive CD ROM guide has over 250 projects! It uses video, animation, narration, and photographs to help guide you though just about any home improvement project you can think of. With spring right around the corner, you know you'll be wanting this one!
It covers:
Plumbing |
Electrical |
Painting |
Staining |
Cabinetry |
Walls |
Countertops |
Ceilings |
Shelving |
Floors |
Storage |
Exterior Maintenance |
Weatherproofing |
Insulation |
Wallpapering |
Planning / Design |
Doors |
Windows |
And tons more!
Each project takes you step by step through the entire process. It's like having an expert right at your finger tips.
It works like this: Let's say you were going to install a new ceiling fan. You just go to the electrical section and select the Mounting Ceiling Fans project. From there, it takes you though the entire processeverything you need to know and then somestep by step. It has excellent illustrations and narration to help guide you through the process. It makes it so easy, even I could do it!
In addition, it also tells you what type of stuff you're going to need (tools, materials, aspirin, etc) and how long the project would take based on your skill level. It even has a "work smarter" section that give you the pros and cons of installing whatever it is you're going to install. Of course, it also includes safety information toolive to fix another day, right?
Heck, you can even print the project out and take it with you!!
This is the BEST home improvement CD ROM I've ever seen. If you do any do-it-yourself type projects, this is a must have. I still can't believe how impressed I am with it! I had a few projects I was hesitating about doing around the house, but thanks to this CD I was able to do them myself.
Now for the price. This retails for $39.95 and we normally give you a super deal at only $16.97, but right now it's on sale for only $12.97 with FREE US Shipping! That's our lowest price ever! This is a current title and works all versions of Windows.
I attracted a lot of attention in my office with all my "Oh, this is soooo cool", and "Wow, that's just great" type comments. In fact, everyone I've shown this to has wanted one!
If you've ever been involved with a project and got stumped, this CD would have come in handy. I can't begin to tell you how much time, money, and frustration it has saved me!
PS - Don't miss out! Everyone I've shown this to has bought one! It's absolutely awesome and I can't recommend it highly enough. Remember, we have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you don't like it - even after you try it - we'll take it back! You have nothing to lose!
Sorry for going on and on, but I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a piece of software :-)
Bonus! In addition to Home Depot's Home Improvement 123, we'll also throw in a program called 6100 Home Plans if you order now! Only while supplies last!
Office 101
& Outlook Express Keyboard Shortcuts
I thought it might be time for another keyboard shortcut installment for
those users who really love learning a mouse-less way to accomplish their
Today I thought we'd
focus on MS Outlook and Outlook Express.
Here's a few of the
most common tasks and the keyboard shortcuts you need to get the job done
- Ctrl + N
will create a new email.
- Ctrl + M
or F5 will send and receive mail.
- Ctrl + Shift
+ B will open the address book.
- Ctrl + R
will reply to a message.
- Ctrl + Shift
+ R will reply to all.
- Ctrl + F
will forward a message.
- Ctrl + Shift
+ F will open the advanced find window.
- Ctrl + Enter
or Ctrl + Q will mark a message as read.
- Ctrl + D
or Delete Button will delete the currently selected message(s).
- Esc will
close the message currently open.
While this list is no where near exhaustiveit's certainly a good
Happy Emailing!
Tip of the Day
Excel Text Into Columns
Have you ever found
yourself wondering what in the world possessed the person who created
your MS Excel file to put both first and last name in the same cell?
Now how are you supposed
to sort that list alphabetically by last name when first name is listed
The answer is that
you can'tyou have to separate the first and last namessomehow...
But how?
You could spend your
time retyping the last name into the next column. It works but it's not
a great plan since it could take "forever" if your list is really
Or... maybe you have
other text / data that really should be separated into different cells
for easy sorting and editing.
Would you like a fast
way to separate the data? (This works best with data that's pretty consistent
and not too complicated.)
Most of us would say
"yes". (Even if you don't have an immediate use for this one,
it's one of those handy little pieces of information that may just get
you out of a jam one day. :-)
So let's get to that
faster way...
The first thing you'll
need to do is to highlight the data that needs to be separated.
Now go to the Data
menu, Text into Columns choice.
A 3-step wizard will
start to guide you through the process.
On step 1 check at
the top that the data will be delimited.
Then click Next.
In step 2 you need
to check the Space option in the Delimiters section. (Make
sure all other choices are unchecked.) Basically what you're doing here
is telling Excel what character separates your pieces of dataso
that when it find a space it knows to stick the next piece of text in
a new column.
Did you notice the
preview of your data in the bottom window? See how the names are now divided
into different columns?
Click Next.
Step 3 will allow
you to do some formatting and placement of your databut for now,
as beginners, just click the Finish button.
Just like magic your
first and last names are in two separate columns, ready to sort - no retyping
(Okmaybe not
magic but, if your list was long, you'll feel like it was when you realize
how much time you just saved.)
~ April