Antoine Schmitt on Sat, 13 Nov 2004 16:09:33 +0100 (CET)

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Title: Re: [nettime-fr] DU VISIBLE A L'INVISIBLE
:::::::::12/11/04::::17:15 +0100::::Fred Forest:::::::::
Nous militons donc pour des ¦uvres-systèmes invisibles.

D'accord !

Pour info, une exposition actuellement, au Centre d'Art contemporain de Sienne (Italie), intitulée Invisibile, dont le commissaire est Emmanuele Quinz:

 Invisible, curated by Emanuele Quinz, is a display of interactive works. The exhibition takes place on the second floor of the palace which at first sight appears to be empty. The works showcased in Invisible are not made up of objects  they are rather signs, appearances, symbols, architectures, semantic places. Visitors can enter these spaces and operate within them.
 Each room is a sensitive, interactive environment that perceives human presence and reacts to it. Invisible draws in the visitor through a sensorial participation that generates a direct involvement in the activation of the system. This show proposes a definition of the work of art both as an environment and an experience and as a playful correlation.

 Invisible gathers past installations rarely seen in Italy before  such as David Rokebys Very Nervous System and Jeffrey Shaws The Golden Calf, the latter shown here
 for the first time to the Italian public  as well as works by younger artists. The generation of the pioneers (Jeffrey Shaw, David Rokeby, Jean-Louis Boissier, Marcos Novak) meets the up-and-coming artists (Antoine Schmitt, Akitsugu Maebayashi, Chris Mendoza,, ESC).


++ as