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Table of Contents: FYI: CFP2001 Call for Proposals Double Appel Touch [ ] "" <> =?iso-8859-1?Q?::_cordial_invitacion_::_?= "=?iso-8859-1?Q?::_oscar_a._garcia_::?=" <> transmediale.01 newsletter no.1 "transmediale" <> Financial Cryptography 01 preliminary program "R. A. Hettinga" <> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:15:45 +1300 From: Subject: FYI: CFP2001 Call for Proposals Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 14:37:45 -0500 From: Subject: Computers, Freedom, and Privacy CFP2001 Call for Participation CFP2001: The Eleventh Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy Hyatt Regency Cambridge Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA March 6 - 9, 2001 CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Program Committee of the Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy (CFP2001) invites your participation and proposals for the eleventh annual CFP, which will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on March 6 - 9, 2001. CFP2001 is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). CFP is the leading policy conference for exploring the impact of the Internet, computers and communications technologies on society. $B?(BFor more than a decade, CFP has anticipated the policy trends and issues and shaped the public debate on the future of privacy and freedom in the online world. Each year at CFP, key members of the technical, government, business, education, non-profit, legal, law enforcement, security, media and hacker/cracker communities gather together to address the cutting edge questions in computing, freedom and privacy. $B?(BCFP themes are broad and forward-looking. CFP explores what will be, not what has been. Since this CFP will be held in 2001, the theme is the future of computing, freedom and privacy, including the convergence of information and communication technologies with other advanced technology areas and the new challenges to freedom and privacy that they engender throughout the world. The Internet is a global phenomenon with significant local impacts. We encourage innovative and imaginative thinking on these topics and invite you to submit proposals for CFP2001 conference activities. $B?(BOf particular interest are proposals on: GOVERNANCE, including impact of the Internet on governance; impact of governance on the Internet; ICANN; voting; standards; antitrust and competition policy; new models for governance; and stakeholders in governance. SOCIAL IMPACTS, such as the relationship between the individual and her communities. INDIVIDUAL AUTONOMY AND INTEGRITY, particularly human rights; freedom of expression; censorship; free speech and access; freedom of association; freedom of movement; and exploration of the roles of non-identifiability, pseudonymity, and anonymity. CONVERGENCE of information and communication technologies (ICT); of ICT and content; of ICT with other advanced technology areas, including biotechnology, biology and materials science; and related industry mergers, consolidations and activities. DIGITAL DIVIDE in the face of the growth of the ubiquitous information environment; access to the network infrastructure; access to information; broadband policy; education policy; and related telecommunications, cable, intellectual property and freedom of information (FOIA) rules. PRIVACY, including the growth and role of the chief privacy officer; privacy as the default; US legislation; international developments and trends; and an international privacy convention. INTERNATIONAL ISSUES, especially the emerging issues of global privacy protection; international principles of human rights; security of information systems; intellectual property; objectionable content; cybercrime; jurisdiction; regulation; and legislation. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, including consumer protection; and the impact of payment systems, regulations, and technical standards on personal freedom and privacy. We encourage proposals not only on these subjects, but also on the border areas between these topics, such as intellectual property protection and privacy. We strongly encourage proposals that involve leading experts, innovators, policymakers, and thinkers. CFP2001 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Proposals should be submitted no later than January 5, 2001, via the CFP2001 website at Proposals should include the following information: 1. PRESENTATION TITLE 2. PRESENTATION TYPE Plenary conference sessions (30 minutes to 1.5 hours) Lunch breakout sessions (1 hour) Tutorials (3 hours) BOFs ("birds of a feather" sessions) (no time limit) 3. PROPOSED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION 4. NAME(S) OF SPEAKER(S), PLUS BRIEF BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION FOR EACH SPEAKER 5. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION (no more than 100 words) OF THE TOPIC AND FORMAT, suitable for conference brochure and press release. 6. COMPLETE CONTACT INFORMATION (e-mail, phone, and mailing address). For presentations with more than one speaker, please include complete contact information for all the proposed speakers. We encourage a variety of formats, including panels, debates, individual speeches or keynotes, interviews, role plays, reverse role plays, case studies, Socratic dialogues, etc. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS All proposals must be received no later than January 5, 2001. Please follow the submission guidelines above. PLEASE SUBMIT PROPOSALS AT HTTP://WWW.CFP2001.ORG. For additional information about CFP2001, please visit the conference website at http://www.cfp2001org. - ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:33:17 +0000 From: "" <> Subject: Double Appel Touch [ ] dear friends and colleagues is pleased to announce the launch of its december Double Appel Touch - NEGA-Mixes and plugOut double call for pastries ! featuring # Black-Soap : http:/ Black-Soapers Welcome! From now until january 31 2001, invites you to Soap the Board and send your NEGA-Mixes as zipped files to Every NEGA-Mix received in the meantime will be displayed on NEGA-Mix ? Check those already displayed on the black-soap and welcome on board! # Hewlett-Horner plugOut : http:/ Train with your friends and rehearse in karaoke mode to give the GNou a GNou song of hope! Your home-covers are welcome at Solos, duets, choirs are welcome! Listen to the previously recorded ones and make your own! Wishing you the best always the TEAM Paul Dupouy - Chief Président Jean-Philippe Halgand - Executive Directeur Clément Thomas - Officer Général - -/ position is creation is action is tion ! /- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 21:54:10 -0600 From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?::_oscar_a._garcia_::?=" <> Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?::_cordial_invitacion_::_? Sin titulo Pagina normal:: invitacion a un desmontaje cinematografico de oscar a. garcia | viernes 22 de diciembre | media noche | =FAnico dia | mexico d.f. :: |> 2000 | 2001 <| : : [-] 100 to 50 : : <simulaciones> una obra en tiempo real de oscar a. garcia > en homenaje al pensamiento de paul virilio >A partir del hecho de que el arte ya no tiene lugar, que se ha convertido en pura energia, trabajan los artistas de la deslocalizacion en la escena artistica contemporanea. Muchos artistas han anticipado la perdida de lugar, el des-emplazamiento del arte, lo anticipan en un energetismo que puede incluir las imagenes mas espantosas, o la mayor aceleracion de las imagenes en un nivel de feedback. =BFEs este intento energeticista una de las =FAltimas maneras de afrontar la disolucion? Como alguien que siente que las fuerzas te fallan y pone toda su fuerza en un ultimo golpe, precisamente por que sabe que es el =FAltimo. Veo algo asi en la danza, en el teatro, el video, en todas las artes de que todavia disfruto. Me repelen las artes plasticas ahora, porque no queda nada, para mi se acabo. >Para mi el cine esta acabado. Durante a=F1os no he soportado el cine, principalmente porque ya no soporto el ritual de los cines. El cine tenia que haber cambiado sus escenarios de presentacion. Existe gracias al lugar llamado 'cine', y ese lugar, como el arte, debe revolucionarse constantemente. Pero obviamente es mas caro hacer nuevas salas de cine cada dos a=F1os que hacer nuevas peliculas cada dos a=F1os. A menudo he comentado que es preciso sacar a Godard de la sala de cine, de otra forma el propio Godard desaparecera. El cine 'tiene lugar', tiene su propio cuarto oscuro, su camara oscura, y es necesario hacer que ese 'lugar' evolucione. Hoy la camara oscura es el espacio virtual, es el videocasco, ya no hay 'cuarto oscuro'. Es otra deslocalizacion... Me pregunto entonces si el arte no ha regresado desde la exposicion, desde la instalacion en la pared o en la galeria, hacia las inscripciones del land art, solo para finalmente desaparecer, ya no inscrito en ninguna parte mas que en el instantaneo intercambio de sensaciones ofrecido por la realidad virtual. >Lo que tenemos hoy seria una estetica sideral: una estetica de la desaparicion, y no una de la aparicion. =BFPodemos agarrarnos a la balsa de la medusa que representa el land art, como a una especie de salvavidas que nos lleve hacia la reinscripcion y reinstalacion del arte en el aqui y ahora, el hic et nunc, en los que yo insisto? =BFO es ese salvavidas el signo de un barco hundiendose -y la victoria caera del lado de la realidad virtual como electrocucion reciproca, en la instantaneidad de un arte que no deja rastro? >> El arte no puede estar en ning=FAn sitio, no existe mas que como emisin y recepcion de una se=F1al, solo en el feedback. El arte de la era virtual es un arte de la retroalimentacion - -sin hablar todavia de internet. Asi que desplazandose desde su inicial inscripcion en un lugar -cueva, piramide o castillo- a traves de museos, galerias y colecciones itinerantes, y mas tarde a traves de reproducciones fotograficas -donde el viaje es ya de otra indole- y del CD-rom, que todavia es un soporte material, el arte de hoy, con sus tecnicas interactivas, ha alcanzado el nivel de intercambio instantaneo entre el actor y el espectador, la deslocalizacion final. viernes 22 de diciembre | a=F1o 2000 | 24:00 hrs [ km 15.5 carretera picacho > ajusco ] desde periferico tomar la desviacion ajusco six flags y seguir derecho |> <| | smarts > sushi > fogatas > comida > jugos > frutas > agua > cerveza > laberinto > seguridad > estacionamiento > cuestionamiento | ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 16:43:00 +0100 From: "transmediale" <> Subject: transmediale.01 newsletter no.1 transmediale.01 - international media art festival berlin DIY [ do it yourself ! ] 4 - 11 February 2001 the programme planning for the upcoming transmediale - international media art festival berlin - is progressing fast. in the coming weeks, we will be sending out regular news updates which will, as soon as possible, also be reflected on the festival website which is under construction. here is a first overview over some parts of the festival programme: * two-day CONFERENCE with two international panels each day: - - Social Software (8 feb afternoon) - about software as a designed motor of social change - - Artistic Software (8 feb evening) - about programming as artistic practice - - New Forms of Distribution (9 feb afternoon) - about artistic content production and distribution on the net - - Net-Based Participation (9 feb evening) - about art projects probing models of interaction and participation * artist presentations and prize ceremony for the projects shortlisted for the transmediale.01 AWARDS in the three categories, Interactive, Video, and Artistic Software (10 feb) * six thematic VIDEO SCREENING programmes from the competition submissions (5, 6, 7, 11 feb) and a video-on-demand service * the Competition Terror screening night - all you can take! (9 feb) * three special screenings with video art from Africa (6 feb), internet-based shorts from Russia (10 feb) and the UK group Machinima who produce feature films with computer game software (11 feb) * a retrospective afternoon with the berlin-based film and video group DOGFILM - pioneers in bridging the gap between independent video production and public television (11 feb) * four WORKSHOPS (Flash animations and Gameboy hacking for children, LEGO Mindstorms and Synaesthetic environments for all) * a specially designed MEDIA LOUNGE in the Foyer Hall of the Podewil where we will present the computer screen-based works (internet, CD-Rom, software) - this is set to become a spectacular and inviting environment that will give the transmediale.01 a characteristic face. * the transmediale.01 SALON, a cafe and evening hang-out with magazine-style short presentations of new media projects and work in progress. * PRICES (reduced) Conference - - 1 panel DM 20 (DM 15) - - 2 panels DM 35 (DM 25) Screenings - DM 12 (DM 10) Competition Terror - DM 20 (DM 15) Presentations - DM 12 (DM 10) Workshops - DM 20 (DM 5) Media Lounge/Salon - free Festival pass - DM 150 (DM 120) an ACCREDITATION FORM is available on the website PRESS: please, contact the NEXT NEWSLETTER will be published on 29 dec and will contain a list of the projects and tapes shortlisted for the transmediale.01 awards. we wish everybody a pleasant and peaceful end of the year season and send special greetings to all those who, like us, can't take holidays. best regards, the transmediale team _______________________________________ transmediale - international media art festival berlin klosterstr. 68-70 - d-10179 berlin tel. +49-30-24721907 - fax +49-30-24721909 - - --------------------------------------- transmediale.01 - DIY [do it yourself!] - 4-11 feb 2001 transmediale.01 DIY [do it yourself!] 4 - 11 february 2001 international media art festival berlin klosterstr. 68-70 10179 berlin germany fon +49 30 2472 1907 fax +49 30 2472 1909 ........................................................................... ................................. Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals E.E.I.G. ........................................................................... .................................. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:01:20 -0700 From: "R. A. Hettinga" <> Subject: Financial Cryptography 01 preliminary program - --- begin forwarded text Resent-Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:30:40 -0400 Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 18:29:40 -0800 From: Stuart Haber <> To: Subject: Financial Cryptography 01 preliminary program Resent-From: Resent-Sender: Financial Cryptography '01 February 19-22, 2001 Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort Cayman Islands, BWI FC01, the fifth international conference on financial data security and digital commerce, will be held in on Grand Cayman Island, British West Indies. FC01 aims to bring together persons involved in both the financial and data security fields to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas. The conference is organized by the International Financial Cryptography Association (IFCA). Preliminary List of Papers to be Presented Off-line generation of limited-use credit card numbers Avi Rubin and Rebecca Wright Efficient fair-exchange with signature recovery Olivier Markowitch and Shahrokh Saeednia On the security of homage group authentication protocol Eliane Jaulmes and Guillaume Poupard A security framework for card-based systems Yiannis Tsiounis Copy-protected internet content distribution Tadayoshi Kohno Mutual authentication for low-power mobile devices Markus Jakobsson and David Pointcheval Fair tracing without trustees Dennis Kugler and Holger Vogt Amortized e-cash Moses Liskov and Silvio Micali Offline micropayments without trusted hardware Matt Blaze, John Ioannidis, and Angelos Keromytis The power of RSA inversion oracles and the security of Chaum's RSA-based blind signature scheme M. Bellare, C. Namprempre, D. Pointcheval, and M. Semanko Nonmonotonicity, user interfaces, and risk assessment in certificate revocation (Position Paper) Ninghui Li and Joan Feigenbaum SecureClick: A Web payment system with disposable credit card numbers Adi Shamir Trust: A collision of paradigms L. Jean Camp, Helen Nissenbaum, and Cathleen McGrath Monotone signatures David Naccache, David Pointcheval, and Christophe Tymen (M+1)-th price auction protocol Hiroaki Kikuchi Non-interactive private auctions Olivier Baudron Provably secure implicit certificate schemes D. Brown, R. Gallant and S. Vanstone Distributed computing with payout: task assignment for financial---and strong---security Philippe Golle and Stuart Stubblebine Privacy for the stock market Giovanni Di Crescenzo Anonymity without `cryptography' Dahlia Malkhi and Elan Pavlov The practical problems of implementing MicroMint Nicko van Someren Rump Session In addition to the regular conference program, a rump session will be held on the evening of Tuesday, February 20th to provide an opportunity for less formal presentations. The rump session will be chaired by Rebecca Wright of AT&T Labs. Although the rump session will be organized during the conference itself, advance proposals may be submitted by email. (Send at most one page of plain Ascii text to Rebecca Wright at, by midnight Eastern time on Thursday night, February 14, 2001.) Rump session contributions will not appear in the conference proceedings. Exhibition An exhibition will be held in conjunction with the technical program, with product displays, demonstrations, and presentations of a business-oriented nature. Scientific sessions are primarily scheduled for the mornings and exhibition sessions for the afternoons. Registration Registration can be done via the web at The fee for the conference, which covers all conference materials and events (including preproceedings, final proceedings, attendance at scientific sessions, and breakfast and lunch each day of the conference), is: $850 regular registration $350 academic registration $150 student registration An additional $150 fee applies to registrations for which payment is received after January 15, 2001. A $100 discount ($50 for academic and student registrations) is available to participants who pay their registration fee by electronic money. Payment may be made by credit card, bank transfer, electronic money, or cash. Additionally, some local payment methods from various countries can be accepted via Bibit Internet Billing Services. Stipends A limited number of stipends to help defray the costs of attendance may be available to full-time students with a paper accepted for presentation at the conference. If you would like to apply for a stipend, please contact the General Chair at the email address listed below. Hotels The conference will be held at the Marriott Beach Resort Grand Cayman, and rooms have also been reserved at two nearby hotels, the Comfort Suites and the Sleep Inn Resort. MARRIOTT BEACH RESORT The Marriott Beach Resort Grand Cayman is located on Seven Mile Beach. There are two restaurants and three bars, including pool-side service. The hotel has tennis courts and water sports services, and includes all the standard features of a Marriott Beach Resort. It is within walking distance of the many restaurants and shopping attractions located on Seven Mile Beach. The Marriott room rate is: US$299.00 This rate is based on single or double occupancy and is subject to a 10% government tax and a 10% hotel service charge. The hotel service charge includes bellmen and maid gratuities. The rooms are run of the house. Telephone: +1 345 949 0088 Fax: +1 345 949 3347 Please request the rate of US$299.00 for Financial Cryptography. COMFORT SUITES This is a new hotel, just open this season. It is located right next door to the Marriott Beach Resort, only 300 feet from the beach. Many room have ocean views. The hotel offers restaurant, bar, outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, water sports centre, gift shop, guest coin laundry, dry-cleaning, car hire, fitness centre, business centre, fax, and copier services. Suites Blocked for Financial Cryptography 01 are: Single Double Triple Studio Suites 170 180 190 Deluxe Suites 185 195 205 Studio Suites: open floor plan with one queen bed, sleep sofa and shower; can sleep 4 persons. Deluxe Suites: open floor plan with two double beds, sleep sofa and shower; can sleep 6 persons. Telephone: +1 345 945 7300 Fax: +1 345 945 7400 These rates are in US$ and are subject to a 10% government tax and a 10% service charge. They include a continental breakfast and complimentary coffee in the bedrooms. SLEEP INN RESORT The Sleep Inn Resort is located about 10 minutes' walk from the Marriott. It is the closest hotel to downtown George Town, a 15-minute walk along the scenic coast line. The Sleep Inn is not located on the beach but within easy walking distance. There is a swimming pool, a snack bar & grill, a dive shop and a boutique. Single Room 120.00 Double Room 130.00 These rates are in US$ and are subject to a 10% government tax and a 10% service charge. Breakfast is included with both rates. Contact Josephine in reservations at the Sleep Inn. Telephone: +1 345 949 9111 Fax: +1 345 949 6699 Email: Web Sites about the Cayman Islands The official Department of Tourism site: The official government and weather site: Local news and issues: The official site for info on Financial Services: The national airline, Cayman Airways: All of these sites have links to various other sites of interest on the Cayman Islands. Program Committee Matt Blaze, AT&T Labs - Research Yair Frankel, Ecash Matt Franklin, UC Davis David Kravitz, Wave Systems Corp. Arjen Lenstra, Citicorp Philip MacKenzie, Lucent Bell Labs Avi Rubin, AT&T Labs - Research Jacques Stern, Ecole Normale Superieure Kazue Sako, NEC Stuart Stubblebine, CertCo Paul Syverson (Chair), Naval Research Laboratory Win Treese, Open Market, Inc. Doug Tygar, UC Berkeley Michael Waidner, IBM Zurich Research Lab Moti Yung, CertCo Organizing Committee Program Chair: Paul Syverson ( General Chair: Stuart Haber ( Sponsorship Chair: Barbara Fox ( Sponsors FC01 is sponsored by: Bibit Internet Billing Services <> nCipher Corporation <> InterTrust Corporation <> If you are interested in sponsoring FC01, please contact the Sponsorship Chair at the email addresses listed above. For further information, please see the main FC01 conference web page at - --- end forwarded text - -- - ----------------- R. A. Hettinga <mailto:> The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: