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<nettime> J. K. Galbraith on WG convened by ex-finance minister Yanis Varoufakis |
< > Professor James K. Galbraith's statement on the Ministry of Finance Working Group convened by former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis Posted on July 27, 2015 by yanisv (scroll down for the Greek language version) I spent five months from early February through early July in close association with the Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, and was part of the Working Group that did contingency planning for potential attempts to asphyxiate the Greek government, including aggressive moves to force the country out of the euro. Since a great deal of public confusion has now arisen over this effort, the following should be stated:(1) At no time was the Working Group engaged in advocating exit or any policy choice. The job was strictly to study the operational issues that would arise if Greece were forced to issue scrip or if it were forced out of the euro. (2) The group operated under the axiom that the government was fully committed to negotiating within the euro, and took extreme precautions not to jeopardize that commitment by allowing any hint of our work to reach the outside world. There were no leaks whatever, until the existence of the group was disclosed by the former Finance Minister himself, in response to criticism that his ministry had made no contingency plans when it was known that forces within the Eurozone were planning the forced exit of Greece. (3) The existence of preliminary plans could not play any role in the Greek negotiating position, since their circulation (before there was a need to implement them) would have destabilized government policy. (4) Apart from one late, inconclusive telephone conversation between MP Costas Lapavitsas and myself, we had no coordination with the Left Platform and our Working Group's ideas had little in common with theirs. (5) Our work ended for practical purposes in early May, with a long memorandum outlining major issues and scenaria that we studied. (6) My work in this area was unpaid and unofficial, based on my friendship with Yanis Varoufakis and on my respect for the cause of the Greek people. FOR THE GREEK LANGUAGE VERSION... ANAKOINW*SY JAMES K. GALBRAITH Apo' ton Febroua'rio e'w*s ti*s arxe'*s Iouli'ou sunerga'styka ek tou su%neggu*s 畫 ton e'llyna Upourgo' Oikono痣kw%n, k. Gia'ny Baroufa'ky, w*s suntonisty%*s o琦'da*s ergasi'a*s pou sxedi'aze 畫'tra e'ktakty*s ana'gky*s styn peri'ptwsy e'cwthen asfuktikw%n pie'sewn pro*s tyn kube'rnysy, su皖erila琨ano畫'nwn kai kiny%sewn pou 皖orei' na sto'xeuan tyn ekdi'wcy ty*s Ella'da*s apo' to eurw%. Dedo畫'nou o'ti ton teleutai'o kairo' e'xei dy痣ourgythei' 畫ga'ly su%gxusy w*s pro*s ti*s ergasi'e*s ty*s o琦'da*s 琦*s, dylw%nw ta ako'loutha: 1. Se ka痣'a peri'ptwsy y o琦'da ergasi'a*s den pro'teine e'codo ty*s xw%ra*s apo' to eurw% y% opoiady%pote allagy% politiky%*s ty*s kube'rnysy*s. Oi ergasi'e*s 琦*s aforou%san tyn e'kdosy reusto'tyta*s (IOU) se eurw% y% kiny%sei*s pou e'prepe na gi'noun se peri'ptwsy pou ka'poioi prospathou%san na ekdiw%coun tyn xw%ra apo' to eurw%. 2. Y o琦'da ergazo'tan upo' to aci'w琦 pw*s pa'gia the'sy ty*s kube'rnysy*s y%tan y diaprag琦'teusy ento'*s tou eurw% kai, gia auto' ton lo'go, la'琨ane o'le*s ti*s profula'cei*s w%ste na 稍n diadothei' o,tidy%pote sxetika' 畫 ti*s ergasi'e*s 琦*s. Pra'g琦ti, den upy%rcan diarroe'*s e'w*s o'tou o t. Upourgo'*s Oikono痣kw%n, 畫ta' to pe'ra*s twn ergasiw%n ty*s o琦'da*s 琦*s, anakoi'nwse tyn u%parcy% ty*s w*s orthy% anti'drasy styn e'ntony kritiky% o'ti, tyn epoxy% pou duna'畫i*s ento'*s ty*s eurwzw%ny*s sxedi'azan tyn apopo皖y% ty*s xw%ra*s apo' to eurw%, to Upourgei'o Oikono痣kw%n den ekpo'nyse sxe'dio anti'drasy*s. 3. Y u%parcy prokatarktikw%n sxedi'wn anti'drasy*s den tha 皖orou%se na pai'cei ro'lo sti*s diaprag琦teu%sei*s, apo' tyn stig稍% pou y dy發siopoi'ysy% tou*s (prin xreiastei' na efar發stou%n) tha apostatheropoiou%se tyn kubernytiky% politiky%. 4. Me ecai'resy 痣a tylefwniky% 發u suno痣li'a, a'neu ousiastikou% periexo畫'nou, 畫 ton bouleuty% tou SURZIA k. Kw%sta Lapabi'tsa, y o琦'da 琦*s den ei'xe ka痣'a apolu%tw*s epafy% 畫 畫'ly ty*s Aristery%*s Platfo'r琦*s twn opoi'wn oi apo'qei*s apei'xan apo' ti*s dike'*s 琦*s 5. Oi ergasi'e*s ty*s o琦'da*s 琦*s, ousiastika', oloklyrw%thykan sti*s arxe'*s Mai3ou upo' tyn 發rfy% analutikou% pori's琦to*s sto opoi'o anafero'琦stan se o'la ta zyty%琦ta, kai sena'ria, pou 畫lety%sa畫. 6. Y ergasi'a 發u sto plai'sio ty*s o琦'da*s auty%*s y%tan anepi'sy稍 kai a痣sthi', basis畫'ny styn fili'a 發u 畫 ton k. Gia'ny Barooufa'ky kathw%*s kai ston sebas發' 發u gia ton agw%na tou ellynikou% laou%.
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