Frederic Neyrat on Thu, 5 May 2016 04:04:54 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Accelerationism, Prometheanism, and Posthumans

   Excerpts from the Accelerationist Manifesto:

   "We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over
   society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global
   problems or achieving victory over capital."

   "We believe it must also include recovering the dreams which transfixed
   many from the middle of the Nineteenth Century until the dawn of the
   neoliberal era, of the quest of Homo Sapiens towards expansion beyond
   the limitations of the earth and our immediate bodily forms."

   So, what is the difference between that and an electronic-based system
   that denies its material ties?



   Frederic Neyrat

   2016-05-04 16:07 GMT-05:00 Frederic Neyrat <>:

   Dear Florian (and thanks Brian for your post),

   There is something I try to understand in you post:

   1/ on the one hand, you show very well that "there is hardly a system
   that is more dependent on�efficiency-optimized global supply chains,
   high investments into manufacturing capacities, economics of scale and,
   well, the neoliberal economic system as computer electronics," you
   criticize the "naive automation" of the three last decades, you insist
   on the fact that our electronics society leans on "rare" metals;
   2/ but you also argue that "a modern big�furniture factory is
   significantly more environmentally and�resource-friendly than a
   FabLab; and of course, a modern data center�centrally hosting several
   thousand or million websites is�environmentally more friendly than
   thousand or million micro servers in�individual homes," siding with
   accelerationists who - like "post-environmentalists,"
   "eco-pragmatists," etc. - reject so called "Folk politics."

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