d . garcia on Tue, 2 May 2023 01:49:26 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> nettime back and running

Dear Felix and Ted, I was looking forward to a bit of
hand ringing at the imminent disappearance of Nettime.
But you wisely deployed full Janitor authority to quash
that option...pity.

Many thanks to you both for all your work keeping the pub
clean and the doors open for so long. I don't (shamefully)
have much idea what it takes to keep a list like this
functioning. It must be psychologically draining after
so long.

I imagine that there has been discussion behind
the scenes about alternative options. I have signed up to the
Mastodon version. It certainly adds something and complements the
list but it offers no alternative those rare moments when someone's
intervention creates a thread that catches light.

Maybe behind the scenes there has even been some longer
term succession planning .. approaching some
fresh and different faces. Maybe these avenues were explored
and no one who seemed right was willing to take it on? Perhaps
Felix your mail has even now triggered some interest. I notice that Paul
put his head above the parapet. Maybe others have be in touch off-list ??

But if this is indeed "last orders' the question arises, does the list go out with a bang or a whimper? The ideals/ideology of treating the internet as a shared work-space, in a way that (for all its faults and limitations)
is relatively free of exploitation, remains rare and true. And that this
happens through this thing called collaborative text filtering meant
something.. still means something.

Simply letting Nettime fizzle out shouldn't be an option. And if
thats hand ringing, so be it.

Love & Peace

David Garcia

On 2023-04-30 11:52, Felix Stalder wrote:
Dear nettimers!

First of all, thank you Florian for taking the time to care, admits of
the other stuff that has been going on, to resurrect the list!
Kein.org has been a real home for the list for many years, and we are
grateful for that.

The nettime has been offline for six weeks. The longest in its close
to 28 years of existence. During those six weeks, only a very small
number of people inquired about the list. Perhaps most of you simply
assumed that the list would reappear and thought that downtime is no
big deal, or you didn't notice because in the context of information
overload, it's hard to notice information that is missing.

Either way, it's not the best sign for the vitality of the list. This
means, something needs to be done. As the janitors of the list -- the
list has had no moderators for a couple of years now -- we feel that
it's our (last) responsibility to initiate this process.

To be blunt: we don't want to continue in the role of care takers. Not
out of ill-feeling, but because we have done it long enough. Perhaps
too long.

So, the options are: someone else steps up and takes over this
care-taking role and infuses fresh energies into the list, or we close
it down.

We are very happy that we can use the list handle this process, rather
than go down because of a technical issue, but now that the technical
stuff is solved, the social can take precedence again.

It's time to step up and care!

As the used to say in the bad old days: Silence = Death. And, we might
add, so is hand-wringing.

All the best,

nettime janitors (Ted & Felix)

On 30.04.23 17:50, KEIN Florian Schneider wrote:
dear all,

please accept my sincerest apologies for the long downtime, but the mail server which hosted nettime-l, as well as many more mailing lists and individual KEIN mail accounts, crashed after more than 15 years, in mid march.

i managed to retrieve and recover almost all data but had to delay the work on the mailing list server due to an unexpected covid infection over easter. the good old but unfortunately rather outdated mailman v2, requires a downgraded environment which is finally up and running now.

it looks like nettime-l should work as before.

however, please note that the new domain name is: LISTS.KEIN.ORG <http://lists.kein.org/> and you will receive the mailing list messages from nettime-l@lists.kein.org <mailto:nettime-l@lists.kein.org>

all the best,


ps: if someone has a proposal for a contemporary mailing list software that offers comparable and backwards compatible functionality with mailman, please drop me a line. mailman v3 seems not to be an option and many large lists and their archives experience the same challenge.

Florian Schneider

Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
President of the Society for Artistic Research (SAR)

#  distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
#  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: https://lists.kein.org/mailman/listinfo/nettime-l
#  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@kein.org
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#  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: https://lists.kein.org/mailman/listinfo/nettime-l
#  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@kein.org
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