Doriane via nettime-l on Sat, 25 May 2024 05:54:51 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Cobbled Paths, an OSP 🖊 Plotter 🚅 Station workshop

Hello dear networks, teachers and friends.

On Saturday 8th of June Open Source Publishing (OSP) is organising their first plotter station workshop <>, hosted at Meyboom, 34 Pachecolaan in our studio <>.

The plotter station is an initiative of OSP to gives access to their collection of pen-plotters and other printing machines. The plotter station organizes workshops, develops research and can be booked to use the printers.

For this first workshop, we invites you on a griddy and tortuous adventure of making collective pen-plotted posters using a DIY tool named Cobbled Paths.

white on brown drawings of a mountain, a bird, a flower and cobbled paths made out of vectorized ascii arts

We look for a diversity of practice, background, level of amateurism, gender and age. No knowledge (other than a desire to use pen-plotters and draw with ascii characters) is required to participate.

In order to participate please send us an email with a short sentence for each of the following:

 * a bit on yourself (if you are students or not, where are you coming
   from, ...)
 * your interest in this workshop
 * how it could relate to your (other) practices (doesn't have to be
   graphic design!)

Deadline is the 30th of May. The selection will be published on the 31st.

Please make this email drift into distant networks.

Have a sweet weekend,

Doriane as OSP 🌼
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