Allan Siegel via nettime-l on Thu, 18 Jul 2024 13:32:43 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Narrating the Neoliberal Agenda

hello Nettimers,
I'd like to welcome you to participate in this symposium in Karlsruhe in September.

*Narrating the Neoliberal Agenda
Tales of democracies, communities, and public spaces

The Ideal Spaces Foundation and Allan Siegel
invite you to participate in a two day-Symposium
September 6-7, 2024
at the Ideal Spaces Foundation
Nesslerstrasse 16 in Karlsruhe,Germany.

The neoliberal worldview is embedded within a geographical network of diverse institutions and governing agencies; they disseminate an ideology that impacts economic, governmental and social priorities.

Neoliberalism propagates an ethos that encourages the privatisation of public services and social space: effectively undermining the communal aspects of social life and eroding democratic ideals; negating the concept of the demos, inhibiting political processes and public discourse.

The symposium will focus on an elaboration of the dynamics inherent to the above themes and enable interactive forms of discussion. The hybrid program includes presentations by: Mike Berry (AUS), Wendy Brown (US), Judit Bodnár (HU), Aysegul Can (TUR), Benda Hofmeyr (ZAF), Michael Janoschka (DE), George Monbiot (GB), Dieter Plehwe (DE), John M. Roberts (GB), Juan Pablo Rodriguez (CHL), Molly Slavin (US), Loveneet Thakur (IND).

The program will be both in person, and online for the entire event.
*For further details, registration and online participation, please contact Emöke Bada.*
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