paul van der walt via nettime-l on Sat, 1 Feb 2025 01:38:48 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism?

Hi Simon,

On 2025-01-31 at 17:29 UTC, quoth Simon Deutsch via nettime-l <>:
> [...salient stuff...]
> I hope this perspective feels useful, or at the very least, not a total waste of time.

Thank you for sharing your perspective - from my point of view it definitely adds to the conversational framing, and i would not worry in the slightest about having wasted anyone's time, if i were you.  Great first post, i would even say.  Very relevant perspective.

This is slightly tangential but i believe deserves to be said (echoing the community-building aspect Stella and Brian elaborated on earlier): it warms my heart to read, on nettime-l, a contribution from someone who has, as you put it, grown up 95% immersed in the "commercial Internet".  I'm sure that i'm not only speaking for myself when i say that i appreciate hearing from younger generations too.  Nobody is obliged to flag what "generation" they belong to (a marketing concept, after all, but grudgingly adopted for its strong correlation nonetheless with our differentiated, striated, experiences growing up each in our respective versions of My Time, My Generation), of course; but since you mention that as being central to the relevance of your experience, i want to specifically express encouragement to other younger folks that may be lurking on nettime-l.  It can be daunting to post here, but do not be discouraged.

Welcome again, and kind regards,
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