Ursula Damm via nettime-l on Sun, 2 Feb 2025 11:02:16 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime> Transmedialle intel? |
Hi Andreas, hi David, is there now more information available about the transmediale that can be discussed here? I just noticed the call that went out for the curation of the transmediale 2026. It now says there "In 2026, no exhibition is planned alongside the festival“. https://transmediale.de/en/news/open-call-festival-curation-2026 Although I saw this development coming, it is really a sad end that what was once a real festival with an open call and broad participation of young artists has now ultimately become a media-theoretical conference. Is practical work no longer needed? Are discourse and analysis enough? Are curators better than open calls and juries? For me, as someone who grew up in the old, feudal art system, the media art scene became so attractive because it was more democratic and open. Access to exhibitions was not determined by curators and buyers, but by invited jurors from the field. And every young artist could expect their new work to be seen. I would be glad to know I'm not the only one who regrets this loss. Best, Ursula > Am 16/12/2024 um 18:45 schrieb Andreas Broeckmann via nettime-l <nettime-l@lists.nettime.org>: > > Hey David, folks, > > I know only little about what is going on, but it seems that Nóra left transmediale in the spring, after the last festival. Somewhat implicitly the current situation can be gleaned from the pages on the website, > > https://transmediale.de/en/about > /team > /history > > The upcoming festival appears to be taking shape, so it seems that this story will continue... > > Regards, > -a > > > Am 16.12.24 um 17:14 schrieb David Garcia via nettime-l: >> Does anyone on the list have any intel on what's happening with Transmediale? I had heard rumours that Nóra Ó Murchú had stepped down from the director role.. But I don't know if that is really the case... The on-line announcement for the 2025 looks pretty thin gruel. But given the state of German economy I imagine they have had some significant cuts. Then of course there was all the cultural politics boycotts etc around Israel's actions in Gaza- West Bank - Lebanon-and now Syria must still be impacting the future of the festival. I ask of because for many on the list it is a very important festival that has done great work in the past and I guess there must be nettime people who can throw some light on the current situation. >> David Garcia > -- > # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission > # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, > # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets > # more info: https://www.nettime.org > # contact: nettime-l-owner@lists.nettime.org > -- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: https://www.nettime.org # contact: nettime-l-owner@lists.nettime.org