Allan Siegel via nettime-l on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:03:16 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Make Your Pen Mighty Again:

Hello Max,
Thanks for this thorough and thoughtful article...

There will be many analyses of what is presently happening; most will contain very salient ideas and prescriptions about mobilizing and resisting. The point is not to wait for the 'correct' analysis but start planting new seeds of resistance or replenish those that have been dormant. Encourage and activate webs of resistance: locally, nationally and globally. The crisis is global in scope. Finally. to act: creatively, forcefully and visibly.

"Think of what earlier generations had to put up with: Selma, Walesa, Mandela." The common thread woven through these examples is their indigenous roots that then took on a global dimension. This is critical. Forms of resistance cannot be imposed but should grow from conditions and issues that nurture the seeds of resistance. Know and work with allies; find the common ground. Thanks Max
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