mp via nettime-l on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 11:35:54 +0100 (CET) |
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Re: <nettime> Europe and the MAGA mind virus |
On 20/02/2025 21:28, Brian Holmes via nettime-l wrote:
People are emerging from their shock and seeing the Trump agenda in action. But the world is totally different from that of Seattle in 1999, or Occupy in 2011, or even the George Floyd movement of 2020. How to reach out? I think your question is the most important, and curious what others have to say.
When all the commodified cultural layers are stripped off, subsistence matters are all that remain: how we eat, shit, love, fuck and regenerate the habitat. And some art, dance and healing trance, of course.
Before the current acelleration of genocide, and still today, the people of Gaza knew this well. So they sow and grow - for instance: - and many others - know that it is in the forest garden that intergenerational skill and knowledge transmission takes place. It is here that elders emerge over time as necessary knowledge holders. On merit. Like the wood itself that keeps an old tree alive to retain memories of past patterns.
Values are actions. Words are not enough.The good thing about being with your back against the wall is that there is only one way you can walk.
When all the nonsense of industry and finance is collapsing: grow food with your community. Build compost loos. And if it isn't collapsing: Make it go away by the same means. Life and the world is what you make it. In theory it is really simple.In practice it is a struggle, obviously (land ownership, most crucially, puts a stop to many dreams), but there is no shortage of inspiration sources out there.
-- (The intergenerational garden is for instance explored here: ) ... .. . -- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # contact: