merit on Wed, 29 May 96 10:30 MDT |
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nettime: Rearviewmirror |
ANNOUNCEMENT: SEPTEMBER 3-5, LINZ, AUSTRIA ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 96 CONTAINED area: REARVIEWMIRROR TO REALITY: On our journey into a liquid future we wistfully look back at the familiar past of industrial hardware . The CONTAINED institute examined the backbone of industrial society from within the VOEST ALPINE over the last five years. A Cycle of three ceremonies illustrates the relationship of former industrial culture protagonists towards mythical romanticism and everydays reality in a steelmill. / RUECKSPIEGEL ZUR REALITAET: Auf unserer Reise in eine liquide Zukunft betrachten wir wehmuetig die uns vertraute Vergangenheit der industriellen Hardware im Rueckspiegel. Das Institut CONTAINED hat diesen Umstand in den letzten fuenf Jahren untersucht. Ein Zyklus in drei abendlichen Feierlichkeiten zeigt das Verhaeltnis einstiger Vorreiter der industrial culture zu mythologisierter spaetromantik und alltagsrealitaeten eines stahlwerks. Tuesday: " Quality of home technology in a liquid quiet village" Wednesday: " Rogue mechanics facilitating the beauty of high fidelity" Thursday: "Traditional ceremony on the day of the first bolt" Discussion: "Small fry on a corporate silverplatter - appetizer or digestive?" Videoseries: "Rearviewmirror on Technology" Brett Goldstone....Jim Whiting....Erwin Zeppezauer....Katrin Wilkes....Erik Hobijn....Laura Kikauka....Suzanne Stephanac....Leo Schatzl....Gordon Monahan....Denise Caruso....Sam Auinger....John Duncan....Chip Flynn....Hermann Atzlinger....Matt Heckert....Herbert Schager....Die Romantiker....Martin Reiter....Gordon W.....Voest Werkskapelle....Tatjana Didenko....Leslie A. Gladsjż....Bert Zettelmeier....Kathy Huffmann....Tina Auer....N.A. Baginsky... -- * distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission * <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, * collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets * more info: and "info nettime" in the msg body * URL: contact: