McKenzie Wark on Sun, 12 Dec 1999 17:18:36 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Re: Gary Chapman, brilliant on WTO

i notice WTO Seattle memorabilia is already for sale on E-bay,
so get in quick, all you romantic crypto-stalinists and put
in your bids!

of course you'll be up against all those big spending special
interest protectionists, so get your credit cards ready.

some good rhetoric from Doug Henwood, tying himself in knots
trying to agree with the Buchananites while not appearing to
agree with them. 

by all means save the turtles and whatnot, but if you think you
have a way for people to get out of poverty in the developing
world without free and fair, rule based trade, you better show
it to them quick before they run you out of town.


"We no longer have roots, we have aerials."
 -- McKenzie Wark 

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