juanmatiz on Sun, 3 Aug 2003 07:52:07 +0200 (CEST)

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[nettime-lat] FW: FLUXLIST:call for score works

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From: Ann Klefstad <klefkal@cpinternet.com>
Reply-To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 15:37:27 -0500
To: "FLUXLIST@scribble.com" <FLUXLIST@scribble.com>, Don Boyd
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:call for score works

Call for Scores: Duluth Fluxfest

As outlined in the following press release, the Tweed Museum in Duluth is
hosting a retrospective exhibition of the works of Dick Higgins, inventor of
the term ³intermedia² and impresario of the event score. To honor his role
in the invention of twentieth-century art, and to have a good time, we are
developing an exhibition of event scores and a week of performances of the
scores to accompany this show. We request your help; please send in your
event score and encourage others to do likewise.

All scores will be exhibited in the Lecture Hall Gallery of the Tweed
Museum; scores accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope will be
returned at the close of the exhibition. Selected scores will be performed
on the University of Minnesota ­ Duluth campus during the week of October 12
­ 19.

What is an event score? It is a document, often highly visually interesting
in its own right, that instructs the reader or viewer to perform acts-‹acts
of thought or physical acts, imaginary or actual-‹either privately or in
public. Event scores are texts that make things happen. Other than this,
there are no further parameters. See the Tweed press release below for more
on the history of the event score; for a sample of some scores, go to

Please spread the word; one does not need to be an officially designated
artist to participate in this exhibition. Scores by postal workers,
waitrons, programmers, administrative assistants, lawyers, midwives,
teachers, truck drivers, piano instructors, landscapers, and factory
workers, for instance, are strongly encouraged. Collaborative scores will
also be enthusiastically received.

Send your score, by August 27, to:

Ann Klefstad
5913 London Road
Duluth, MN 55804

Please include an SASE if you wish your score returned; also include a cover
letter with your name, the title if any of the score, your contact
information, and any other information you wish to supply to exhibit-goers.
All participants will receive documentation of their participation in the
exhibition. All scores will be exhibited at the Tweed Museum; you will be
notified if your score is performed, and documentation of the performance
will be provided on request.

Thank you for your interest! I hope to see your work soon.

Ann Klefstad
curator, Duluth Fluxfest Score exhibition
email: editor@mnartists.org


Fluxus Art - What's That? - Visit the Tweed and find out.

WHAT:      Exhibition Betwixt and Between: The Life and Fluxus Works of Dick

WHERE: Tweed Museum of Art, located on the campus of the University of
Minnesota Duluth

WHEN:      Exhibition Dates:      September 2 - October 19, 2003

            Exhibition Events:

Tuesday, September 9, 2003  Panel Discussion "What is Fluxus?"

Tuesday, October 14, 2003  "Performance Lecture" by Hannah Higgins,
Fluxus historian and daughter of artists Dick Higgins and Alison Knowles

Week of October 12 - 19, 2003 Interdisciplinary programming "FluxFest"
With  Music/Theatre/English Departments, organized by Ann Klefstad

CONTACT:      Peter Spooner, Curator, (218) 726-7056, Mary Rhodes, Public
Information, (218) 726-7823

The Tweed Museum of Art is pleased to announce the exhibition ³Betwixt
and Between: The Life and Fluxus Works of Dick Higgins.² Dick Higgins
(1938-1998) used the term "intermedia" to describe his wide-ranging
works in poetry, painting, graphic works, musical scores and books.
Higgins knew and associated with the composers John Cage and Henry
Cowell, the Dada artists Marcel Duchamp and Richard Huelsenbeck, and
the many artists who identified with Fluxus.

Based on a term used by George Maciunas in 1961, Fluxus was and is an
international art movement based on ideas similar to those of the Dada
artists, where the art "object" is less a precious aesthetic commodity,
and more about interaction between the artwork and the viewer. In
Fluxus, art could and can be a pamphlet with instructions, a musical
score to be performed, a reading, a performance, a work sent through
the mails, or any combination of these and other categories of

Higgins participated in Fluxus ideas as a composer, a poet, a scholar
and founder of Something Else Press. As an "intermedia" artist, he
moved and worked between these practices, and this exhibition examines
his unique contribution to contemporary art. Organized by the Columbia
College Center for Book and Paper Arts, this exhibition presents a
unique look at the ideas of Fluxus, through the work of one of its most
influential practitioners.

Financial support for ³Betwixt and Between: The Life and Fluxus Works of
Dick Higgins² has been provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board
through an apppropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature and the
National Endowment for the Arts, and University of Minnesota Duluth
Student Services Fee.

Museum Hours: Tu 9am-8pm, Wed - Fri 9am - 4:30pm, Sa - Su 1pm - 5pm
Information: 218.726.8222      Telephone: 218.726.7823
Web:  tweedmuseum.org   Email tma@d.umn.edu


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