Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 on Thu, 1 Jan 2004 01:22:29 +0100 (CET)

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[nettime-lat] . | " || 30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red|rot|vert|purpura|verde|azul ||schrijft+mij || jmcs3 || " | . *rouge ** red amarillo verde verde WRITE she remaining feetaskeda --me to vezto * handsexplain remain as doing to doingso t addingi and caratried -- *to addition remainignexplain the --thattouching thei to staticcould IMG_3116.JPG writeonly o lawrite soundskinabout at additionit IMG_3116.JPG thinking the so252.JPGinitiation being *of vez asa * reduction the theIMG_3114.JPGsecond mix launiverse the * athe as *** inci -- asiniciacion the sounddel -- IMG_3117.JPGuniverso down lasegundoperson with la * second at she athesome reduction *s -- the tsilence t at some 257.JPGsome * questionpoint creacion IMG_3116.JPGtodo * someil down IMG_3115.JPGcontinente 252.JPG the la 256.JPGcreacionfigura * at la * *cara the some veron, adding humanmale, *soman male, this as silence dathe the triedthird 253.JPG the a theIMG_3111.JPGmix -- 255.JPG up remaining *to * 252.JPGcounting *IMG_3115.JPG cada that athevez down as down skim worldto at256.JPGthinking * 255.JPG down counting sto feet skinthe thirdtodothinking 258.JPG figura with addition lasound it oas 252.JPGtoa remain onlycertainty initiation she da da on reai and *remaining to *the * aqui * to remainign * could remaining upaskedthe so il remaining the worldthis the * remain -- *remaining ** lathe and thequestion mix me IMG_3110.JPG * write--the male,251.JPG explain inci IMG_3111.JPG remain adding-- laIMG_3114.JPG252.JPG remaining so IMG_3112.JPG as to-- on it253.JPGcontinente -- IMG_3113.JPG * *-- -- del254.JPG question silenceIMG_3114.JPG 254.JPG the-- cada doing255.JPG counting universoIMG_3115.JPG sound sound-- * --256.JPG *** -- IMG_3116.JPG heuthird-- * the257.JPG explain multi IMG_3117.JPG IMG_3113.JPG257.JPG-- * a258.JPG skim * IMG_3118.JPG male, inci-- * and259.JPGs il remain man as remaining * *the remaining seconddeletionabout this the could explainsubstitution the at as thinkingthesilence sound qui the remainign IMG_3116.JPGaddition at * *second shemulti * as* remaining addition* * explain * 257.JPG a*adding she* reduction the* 254.JPG la* tried feet* doing initiation* to t** -- touching* IMG_3112.JPG ** about -- * * ** o feet* incidel *** remain --* 255.JPG la ** IMG_3118.JPG at* athe 258.JPG* toa* 258.JPG reduction* inci being skin IMG_3115.JPG 259.JPG skimcould IMG_3117.JPG reduction -- at absolution * skin a touchingaperson the la a person IMG_3113.JPGheu inci some a the delhuman *aboutbeing qui the with the universehands -- IMG_3111.JPGand *ifeet the to on it *the it 258.JPGworld on the touching -- onadding could with to remain remainingthe * manto a figura towrite thew -- 259.JPG the IMG_3118.JPG qui o skin the to ***IMG_3111.JPGthe second worldworld silence the static * to lasegundo silencecreacion ** IMG_3114.JPG remaining IMG_3117.JPGathe as third remainignsilence * the| rouge || jmcs3 || schreibt+mir || " | .|------| red | amarillo|------| verde |------| verde . | " ||30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red | rot| vert | purpura| verde | ------| azul || jmcs3 ||m+ecrit || " | .

. | " || 30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red|rot|vert|purpura|verde|azul || 
schrijft+mij || jmcs3 || " | .
                               * rouge ** red amarillo verde verde    

she remaining feetasked a --me to vezto * handsexplain remain as

doing to doingso t adding
i and caratried -- *to addition remainignexplain the --that touching 
thei to staticcould IMG_3116.JPG writeonly o lawrite sound skinabout at 
additionit IMG_3116.JPG thinking

the so 252.JPGinitiation being *of vez asa * reduction
the the IMG_3114.JPGsecond mix launiverse the *

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inci -- as
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la * second

at she athesome reduction *s -- the
t silence t
at some 257.JPGsome * questionpoint creacion IMG_3116.JPG

todo * someil down IMG_3115.JPGcontinente 252.JPG the

la 256.JPG creacionfigura * at
la * *cara the some

veron, adding humanmale, * soman male, this

as silence dathe the triedthird 253.JPG the
a the IMG_3111.JPGmix -- 255.JPG

up remaining *to * 252.JPGcounting * IMG_3115.JPG

cada that athevez down as

down skim worldto at 256.JPGthinking * 255.JPG
down counting sto feet skinthe third todothinking 258.JPG figura

with addition lasound it oas 252.JPG toa remain onlycertainty 
initiation she

da da on

reai and *
remaining to *the * aqui * to
remainign * could
remaining up askedthe so il
remaining the worldthis the *

remain -- *

remaining ** lathe and thequestion mix me

IMG_3110.JPG * write-- the male,251.JPG explain inci
IMG_3111.JPG remain adding-- la IMG_3114.JPG252.JPG remaining so
IMG_3112.JPG as to-- on it253.JPG continente --
IMG_3113.JPG * *-- -- del254.JPG question silence
IMG_3114.JPG 254.JPG the-- cada doing255.JPG counting universo
IMG_3115.JPG sound sound-- * --256.JPG *** --
IMG_3116.JPG heu third-- * the257.JPG explain multi
IMG_3117.JPG IMG_3113.JPG 257.JPG-- * a258.JPG skim *
IMG_3118.JPG male, inci-- * and259.JPG s il

remain man as

remaining * *the remaining seconddeletion about this
the could explainsubstitution the at

as thinking thesilence sound qui

the remainign IMG_3116.JPGaddition at *

* second shemulti * as* remaining addition* * explain
* 257.JPG a* adding she* reduction the* 254.JPG la* tried feet* doing 
* to t** -- touching* IMG_3112.JPG ** about --
* * ** o feet* inci del
*** remain --* 255.JPG la
** IMG_3118.JPG at* athe 258.JPG* to a* 258.JPG reduction* inci being

skin IMG_3115.JPG 259.JPG
skim could IMG_3117.JPG

reduction -- at

absolution * skin

a touching aperson the la
a person IMG_3113.JPGheu inci some
a the delhuman * aboutbeing qui the
with the universehands -- IMG_3111.JPGand * ifeet the to
on it *the it 258.JPGworld on the
touching -- on
adding could with

to remain remainingthe * manto a figura
to write thew -- 259.JPG
the IMG_3118.JPG qui
o skin the
to *** IMG_3111.JPGthe second worldworld silence the

static * to

la segundo silencecreacion ** IMG_3114.JPG

remaining IMG_3117.JPG athe

as third remainignsilence * the

                            | rouge || jmcs3 || schreibt+mir || " | .
                            |------| red
                            | amarillo
                            |------| verde
                            |------| verde
. | " || 30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red
                            | rot
                            | vert
                            | purpura
                            | verde
                            | ------| azul || jmcs3 || m+ecrit || " | .

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