matthew fuller on Wed, 2 Apr 2003 15:51:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] seminar Brian Holmes, PZI, Rotterdam, 11th april

Introductory Seminar, Brian Holmes
Media Design Research

Time		13.00
Date		Friday, 11th April, 2003
Location	Collegezaal, Piet Zwart Institute, Overblaak 85

'Imaginary Maps, Global Solidarities'

The thesis is twofold. First, that each major historical period imposes
a dominant map of the earth, a cartographic expression of the
articulations of power. This map conditions the ways people imagine the
world, the ways they move through it and communicate with others, but
also the ways they are assigned to specific functions, specific places.
It can be related to what Deleuze (in his book on Michel Foucault) calls
a "diagram of power." Second, this dominant map may be challenged,
transformed, undone, in the realm of the imaginary through artistic
experiments, and in reality through social and political action. A
dissenting map may be understood as an emergent, constitutive force, in
the sense of Toni Negri (but also of Cornelius Castoriadis, who speaks
of a "constitutive imaginary"). Both history and today's experience show
that even in the artistic realm, a dissenting map of the world only
tears itself free of the dominant one when new solidarities emerge
between distant individuals, classes, peoples.

Brian Holmes is an art and cultural critic, activist and
translator, living in Paris, interested primarily in the intersections
of artistic and political practice. He holds a doctorate in Romance
Languages and Literatures from the University of California at Berkeley.
He was the English editor of publications for Documenta X, Kassel,
Germany, 1997, was a member of the graphic arts group Ne pas plier from
1999 to 2001, and has recently worked with the French conceptual art
group Bureau d'études. He is a frequent contributor to the international
mailinglist Nettime, a member of the editorial committee of the art
magazine 'Springerin' and the political-economy journal 'Multitudes', a
regular contributor to the magazine Parachute, and a founder of the new
journal 'Autonomie Artistique'. He is currently preparing a book in
French, entitled 'La personnalité flexible: Pour une nouvelle critique
de la culture.'

This introductory seminar is open to anyone interested.  It is part of
the first in a new programme of Research Fellowhips in Media Design
Research at Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool
Rotterdam.  Further results of the work, building up as part of a series
of public resources, will be published at
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