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[Nettime-nl] DEAF04 seminars & workshops

DEAF04 – Affective Turbulence: The Art of Open Systems
Zevende editie van het Dutch Electronic Art Festival

dinsdag 9 - zondag 21 November 2004
Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Van Nelleweg 1, Rotterdam

Beste nettimers,

DEAF04 presenteert naast een grote tentoonstelling met interactieve kunst
ook seminars, conferenties en workshops. Deze week verschijnt de DEAF04
programmakrant, die je thuis kunt ontvangen door een mailtje met je naam &
adres te mailen naar

Vooraf excuses dat sommige programmaonderdelen in het Engels staan
omschreven. Maar in deze programma's wordt dan ook het Engels als voertaal


I) Open Alliances: een bijeenkomst over kennisuitwisseling in kunst,
mediatechnologie en educatie (woensdag 10 november, 10.00-14.30 uur)

II) The Art of Open Archives: expert meeting on archival interoperability
(donderdag 11 november, 15.00-18.00 uur)

III) FLOSS BOOTcamp: Blender and Ardour workshop at DEAF04 (vrijdag 12
november, 10.00-19.00 uur)


I) Open Alliances: bijeenkomst over kennisuitwisseling in kunst,
mediatechnologie en educatie

In het kader van DEAF04 organiseert V2_ op 10 november a.s. een
bijeenkomst over de toenemende samenwerking tussen universiteiten,
hogescholen, bedrijven en kennisinstellingen in kunst en mediatechnologie:

Open Alliances
Transfer of knowledge in art, media technology and education
Woensdag 10 November
10:00-13:00 lezingen
13:00-14:30 publiek debat met panel

Universiteiten en hogescholen werken steeds vaker samen in strategische
allianties, vaak met het bedrijfsleven of met intermediaire
kennisinstellingen. Een belangrijk uitgangspunt voor deze samenwerkingen
is het delen en uitwisselen van kennis en ervaringen. 'Open Alliances' is
een bijeenkomst over vormen van samenwerking en kennisuitwisseling.
Daarbij staat de vraag centraal hoe intermediaire kennisinstellingen
bijdragen aan een open kennisuitwisseling tussen verschillende partijen.

Interdisciplinaire samenwerking, contractonderwijs en -onderzoek spelen
een prominente rol in strategische allianties, met name in een aantal
nieuwe masteropleidingen op het snijvlak van kunst, wetenschap en
technologie. 'Open Alliances' inventariseert bestaande modellen voor
samenwerking en bespreekt mogelijke vormen van kennisuitwisseling tussen
verschillende partijen. Sprekers uit onderwijs (kunst en wetenschap) en
bedrijfsleven presenteren een aantal initiatieven, waarbij de behoeftes
van verschillende partijen aan de orde komen, de inbedding in bestaande
institutionele structuren en mogelijke gevolgen voor onderwijs en

Sprekers zijn onder meer:
Han Gerrits (Vrije Universiteit/Amsterdam New Media Institute)
Bas Haring (Universiteit van Leiden)
Jeroen van Mastrigt (HKU/Professional School of the Arts Utrecht)
Charles van der Mast (TU Delft)
Rob van Kranenburg (Virtueel Platform)
Moderatie: Emilie Randoe (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)

Henk van Zeijts (Waag Society)
Leonard Franken (ABN/Amro)
Mirko Tobias Schaeffer (Universiteit Utrecht)
Arie Altena (Frank Mohr Instituut)
Jan Vogel (TNO) (onder voorbehoud)
en studentenvertegenwoordigers.

'Open Alliances' vindt plaats op woensdag 10 november 2004 in de Van
Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Van Nelleweg 1, Rotterdam. Kaarten à 10 euro
(studenten 8 euro) te reserveren bij of bij Eliane Roest,


II) The Art of Open Archives: Expert meeting about archival interoperability

Thursday 11 November 2004, 15:00-18:00
Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
EUR 15,00 / EUR 13,00 (discount)

Part of DEAF04, Dutch Electronic Art Festival (
In collaboration with the National Research Institute for Mathematics and
Computer Science in the Netherlands (CWI), Multimedia and Human-Computer
Interaction (

Increasingly, cultural institutions and archives are making their data
collections accessible via web-based portals. However, information about
specific topics - artists' oeuvres, for example - is most likely dispersed
over several different resources. There is a growing need for initiatives
that forge connections and that enable end users to consult similar
resources via decentralized applications.

"The Art of Open Archives" invites specialists in this area - initiators
of online resources and archives, academics, artists and theorists - in
order to discuss possible strategies related to achieving interoperability
between online resources, and developing interesting applications on top
of such frameworks.

Representatives of web-based resources in the field of electronic art will
be present during the expert meeting. Furthermore, selected experts will
present state-of-the-art of relevant research in the area of Semantic Web
technologies and presentations from semantically annotated archives.

Invited speakers:

Janneke van Kersen (Vereniging Digitaal Erfgoed, NL) will present a pilot
project in interoperability between Dutch cultural resources, using the
Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol (OAI-MHP).

Ivan Herman (Benelux W3C Office, HU/NL) will present an overview of the
current Semantic Web languages.

Lynda Hardman (CWI, NL) will present current research work on presenting
information extracted from semantically annotated archives. Information
about the structure of the topic domain along with the environment and
characteristics of the user are used to influence the presentation

The presentations will be followed by an information market and three
parallel table discussions that elaborate on the themes of the

Detailed information and registration:

Feel free to forward this invitation to other interested parties, contacts
and colleagues.


III) FLOSS BOOTcamp: Blender and Ardour workshop at DEAF04

Workshop with presentations, demonstrations and a hands-on afternoon.
Focused on the Free/Libre/Open Source Software projects Blender and
to participate mail to:

Date: Friday 12 November 2004
Time: 9.30-19.00 hours
Location: Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Van Nelleweg 1, 3044 BC, Rotterdam
Admission: 8 Euro, lunch included
Language: English

Many open source and free software projects are developed via
collaborative processes, through the active feedback of developers and
users. The goal of this workshop is to bring together people from a
variety of backgrounds in an informal setting to make contact, have
discussions, exchange ideas, give feedback or suggestions for the software
and interfaces, to learn new things and to have fun! Experienced users
and/or developers will be present to help.

The BOOTcamp will be a workshop with presentations, demonstrations,
discussions and a hands-on afternoon. The focus will be on two open source
projects: Blender and Ardour. In the morning there will be presentations
and demonstrations of both software projects for all participants. In the
afternoon there will be parallel hands-on workshops each focusing on one
of the projects.  At the end there will be drinks and a chance to evaluate
and have further discussions.

Due to limited places (approximately 20), advance application for the
workshop is necessary. Please send an email stating your preference for
either Blender or Ardour/Linux-audio to  In order to
help us prepare the workshop to the right level, please include a short
indication of your level of experience with the software and what your
interest is. We cannot supply computers for all participants.  Please also
indicate whether you can bring your own computer/laptop, and whether
you’ve already installed the software. Help with installation could be
possible the day in advance (Nov. 11th). Applications will be answered as
soon as possible.  More information and payment details will be sent on
confirmation. Applications should preferably be sent before October 28th

More info about Blender and Ardour and the presenters/workshop-leaders:

Blender ( ) is the first and only fully
integrated 3D graphics creation suite allowing modeling, animation,
rendering, post-production, realtime interactive 3D and game creation and
playback with cross-platform compatibility - all in one tidy, easily and
free downloadable package. Blender is quickly being transformed from an
impressive 3D creativity tool to a full-blown games and new media design
application.  Different aspects of Blender will be presented, such as the
origin of Blender and how it became open source by Rob Haarsma, who worked
at the company that started Blender. OOPz is a professional graphic artist
who uses Blender as the primary application for his professional and hobby
work. He helps with documenting new features as well as running the
#gameblender IRC help channel. OOPz will  demonstrate new features such as
Blender real time and the game-engine together with Jasper op de Coul from
V2_Lab and Void7.  Jasper will also show the possibilities for  realtime
interoperability with other software such as PD.

Ardour ( is a digital audio workstation. You can
use it to record, edit and mix multi-track audio. Produce your own CD's.
Mix video soundtracks. Experiment with new ideas about music and sound.
Generate sound installations for 12 speaker gallery shows. Linux Journal
has selected Ardour as Project Of The Year for its 2004 Editors' Choice
Awards. Paul Davis, the main developer and project leader of Ardour also
won at the Open Source Awards 2004 for his work and efforts for JACK ( ). He and Gerard van Dongen will demonstrate Ardour
and Linux audio and will assist at the workshop. Gerard van Dongen works
as composer/musician/computer programmer in Rotterdam. He also performs
and composes music and sound with his own software for force-feedback
joystick and webcam as controllers.

This workshop is jointly held by:
Media Design Research, Piet Zwart Institute
V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media

For application or questions mail to:

DEAF04 - Affective Turbulence: The Art of Open Systems
dinsdag 9 november - zondag 21 november 2004
Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Van Nelleweg 1, Rotterdam

DEAF04 – Dutch Electronic Art Festival
Postbus 19049, 3001 BA Rotterdam
Tel. 010 - 206.72.72
Fax 010 – 206.72.71
Reserveren: of 010 – 750 28 90

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* Meer info, archief & anderstalige edities:
* Contact: Menno Grootveld (