roolytoons on Thu, 29 Jan 2004 08:28:29 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] ce_e_arta si la ce ne ajuta ea? / message to be forward tonon-artist people

Acest mesaj este pentru a fi retrimis numai persoanelor non-artist.
This message is to be sent only to non-artist people.

Ce este arta si la ce ne ajuta ea? 
Raspunde la aceasta intrebare pt. a castiga un superb automobil Mangusta sau o minunata casa. Premiile se vor decerna in cadrul unei festivitati de premiere. Artistilor profesionisti nu le este recomandat sa participe la promotie deoarece notorietatea lor este invers proportionala cu posibilitatea de a castiga sau de a fi macar arhivati. Participantii sunt rugati sa isi scrie numele, ocupatia si telefonul in sfarsitul raspunsului. Raspunsurile vor fi arhivate intr-o carte. 

O actiune roolytoons in cadrul proiectului "Rebranding Art". 

What is art and what is it good for? 

Answering this question, you can be the lucky winner of a car Mangusta or of a superb house. The prizes will be handed at a ceremony. It is recommended for the professional artists not to participate because the highest is their notoriety the lowest are their chances to win or even to be archived. The participants are kindly invited to write down their name, occupation and phone number at the end of the answer. The answers will be published in a catalog.

A roolytoons action / project: "Rebranding Art".

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