Vlad Nanca on Tue, 14 Dec 2004 11:18:40 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] on Art Academy Discussion

Karen Kipphoff are dreptate in tot ce spune si o clarviziune asupra lucrurilor probabil tocmai din cauza (semi) independentei sale fata de spatiul romanesc. Sigur ca pentru o asemenea dezbatere e nevoie ca toate partile sa fie implicate. Eu cred insa ca daca studentii chiar isi doresc sa existe o dezbatere, daca intradevar au ceva de spus atunci e imposibil sa nu se intample ceva. Parerea mea e ca vina cea mai mare o au studentii care se lamenteaza in starea asta fara a incerca sa schimbe ceva...
Pana la a provoca o dezbatere despre Universitatile de arta poate ar fi bine sa se regleze problemele tehnice de pe lista Nettime pentru ca oricine sa se poata implica in discutii. 
V. Nanca

vladimir bulat <vbulat@k.ro> wrote:

please post to nettime-ro on art academy discussion, thanks, karen

having followed the discussions and polemics of the nettime-list, I would
like to make a couple of points. My remarks are not intended to patronize.
If the discussion, however, is really about the art academy (let's say in
Bucharest) and not just to get rid of frustrations while building up new
anger it needs to be more to the facts.

Organizational structure of the Academy needs discussion of the following:
are there paid (or even unpaid) student representatives (and in fact
representatives from all groups of those working at the Academy) in the
commitees of accession to studies, employment, study structure reform
groups, board meetings, library and equipment commitees, etc. Are the
technical staff, maintenance, administration more influential than the
teachers or students? If so, who not aks for better student representation
at all levels.

Relevant Courses: Do you get enough of them? Do you have the possibility to
do project work, study trips, individual talks?

The flow of information: Do you have an open forum where evreybody can
speak up and debate both art and everyday problems? Do you feel you all get
the same information or is it mostly about being in the right place, with
the right person at the right time? Than you should request more
accountability and openness.

The equipment: easy access and feasible rules for everybody to use
and to receive introductory knowledge on how to use it?

Evaluation: are only the students evaluated or are there evaluation
for teachers and administration as well? If not, try to get them

Tuition: Do you get your moeny's worth out of the education and if not, why
don't you ask for more?

Budget: Do you know the schools-, your faculties budget? If not, try to get
the numbers oin the open to find out where the money goes.

Teachers: Are there openings for younger artists, possibly even female, to
teach. are there part-time, limited term appointments? Please also consider
this: when artists make the effort to teach at an art school in Romania
(where they earn what?, EUR 120 - 200 ?) are they obliged to personally
guarantee the success of their students in the art world? Nobody can do
that, it is a risky choice in any country to study art. There are different
reasons for teaching at an art school: the interest in the students and the
arts, we hope, is the first. Power, status, security but certainly none of
them (in Romania) is connected to really being able to pay your bills.
Another point, in order to be able to teach relevant contemporary matters,
it is essential that teachers at Art Schools get the opportunity to update
their knowledge, to be able to travel, to further educate themselves and to
conduct their "research" and with research I am now not thinking of the
obligatory PhD, but rather of the artistic kind. How is the system
for this aspect?

And lastly, it is not the worst strategy for an artist to leave the
get self-organized and criticize the "behated" system, this has in many
cases proved to be very successfull - not only in terms of the educational
but the whole institutional critique scene has not only succeeded in
reforming the system, but possibly been most clever when it comes to having
promoted their own interests.

It is only through people like Matej Bejenaru, Florin Grigoras, Iosif
Kiraly, Roxana Trestoreanu, Eugen Gustea, our contacts in the Romanian Art
Education that we have actually managed to exchange ideas, students and
teachers/artists in the past couple of years. 


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