vladimir bulat on Wed, 5 Jan 2005 08:32:57 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Scholarships for study in the Netherlands


The Hague, The Netherlands 
Datum dogodka: 1 September - 31Dezember 2005 

Huygens Programme 

Scholarships for study in the Netherlands. 

The Huygens Programme fosters an influx of outstanding 
foreign students from countries with which the Netherlands 
has concluded a Cultural Agreement and from countries with 
which the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science 
has concluded agreements regarding the award of 

Republic of Moldova is one of the eligible countries on 
the countrylist of the Huygens programme.

Eligible countries: Albania, Australia, Austria, Belarus, 
Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, 
Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, 
Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 
France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, 
Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, 
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Moldova Republic, Morocco, 
New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic Serbia and 
Montenegro, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, 
Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, 
Turkey, Ukraine and nited Kingdom.

A committee of experts selects the most qualified 
students. Each year some 175 students can be awarded 
scholarships for periods of three to ten months under this 

Applications for the 2005 - 2006 academic year can only be 
submitted for study at an institution of higher education 
in the Netherlands starting between 1 September and 31 
December 2005. Applications for study from 1 January 2006 
may be submitted for a modified Huygens programme, subject 
to certain conditions. 

Application forms can be also obtained from the Dutch 
embassy in the applicant's country of nationality.

Students wishing to be considered for a Huygens 
scholarship must submit one copy of the completed and 
signed form, together with photocopies of the required 
documents, to the Dutch embassy in the country of their 

Razpisni obrazec 
Dead line: 01/02/05 (before) 

Nuffic, Department for International Academic Relations 
Huygens Programme 
P.O. Box 29777 
2502 LT The Hague 
The Netherlands 
tel: +31 (0)70 - 42 60 236 
fax: +31 (0)70 - 42 60 259 


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