underconstruct platform on Tue, 7 Mar 2006 00:46:43 +0100 (CET)
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This is the second year Offset has been digging for outstanding projects
of young Romanian artists.
And we hope we have succeeded in offering a good sellection, a selection
any curator can use as
a starting point of his own project. Because primarily Offset is
intended as such a tool. It's core idea
is to gather projects from the year 2005. And then make them as visible
as possible worldwide.
The sellection was made by the Offset team based on this argument and
the quality of the works
(this you could question as a very subjective criterium, but we assure
you the only filter we put
forward is common sense). Offset doesn't claim to be exhaustive. What
you see here is partly a
result of a sellection, partly one of a special dynamic, independent of
our will.
The artistic year 2005, as we see it in Offset 2005, is a social and
political one.
The artists and curators are taking on issues of interraction and
communication between society,
church and state. Duo van der Mixt and Alexandra Croitoru are studying
the transformations that
the exchange of religious power leads to. Casa Gontz is offering you a
political safari,
through his political tourism agency. Vlad Nanca is laughing at the
over-discussed Redemption Cathedral.
After he stops laughing he plays with the over-inflated terrorism, as
does Cristi Pogacean in the remake of a kitsch classic.
Gorzo makes a star out of Mr. President and Mona Vatamanu/Florin Tudor
continue their study over political
mutations in the urban space. Mihai Gongu is optimistic about Romanian
society in his series of net banners, his
optimism being built on a harsh and ironical critique. Irina Botea
transforms the oppulent suite of Ceausescu
from Arcus into a setting for her playful videos, ment to exorcise the
place. Dina Dancu studies the
social dimension of art, in interviewis transformed in an installation.
Another direction preocupying young artists is that of personal
introspection and recuperation of life experiences.
Miklos Szilard re-enacts the game all Romanian boys played,"tubermane",
as a real-life 1st person shooter.
Delia Popa transforms her grandmother ("Mamaia") in a symbol of a lost
way of life and a tool for mentally recuperating it.
Maria Draghici speaks of communism using her family photo archive as
vehicle for interpretation. Ioana Nemes
focuses on her daily life, turning it upside down and around, searching
for meanings. Liliana Basarab forces
introspection on others, challenging them to define truth, and
comunicating this definition without saying a word.
Victor Man and Gili Mocanu are the apostols of a new, redefined
painting, refreshing the scene and the views
about the classic artistic medium. Storming the scene with political
hypermedia art, Alex Dragulescu cinically
uses data from blogs of the US troops in Irak in a net-based graphic novel.
The young subcultures under the sign of interdiction are the core of
Stefan Tiron's project - a week of digital
anarchy, file-sharing, electronic music and Counter Strike battles at
Galeria Noua - and of the urban interventions
of the This.ro group of street artists.
More information available at http://offset.underconstruct.com/index.
Acesta e al doilea an in care offset foreaza dupa proiecte importante
ale tinerilor artisti romani. Si speram sa fi reusit
sa va oferim o selectie buna, o selectie pe care orice curator o poate
folosi ca punct de pornire al propriilor proiecte.
Pentru ca, in primul rind, Offset e facut sa fie un astfel de
instrument. Ideea de baza in Offset e punerea laolalta a
proiectelor artistice din 2005. Si apoi, a le face cit mai vizibile in
lume. Selectia a fost facuta de echipa Offset,
bazindu-se pe acest argument si pe calitatea lucrarilor (aici puteti
spune ca acesta e un criteriu foarte subiectiv,
dar va asiguram ca singurul filtru aici a fost bunul simt). Offset nu
pretinde a fi exhaustiv. Ceea ce vedeti aici e
in parte rezultatul unei selectii, in parte cel al unei dinamici uneori
independente de vointa noastra.
Anul artistic 2005, asa cum il vedem in Offset 2005 e unul
politic-social. Artistii si curatorii se leaga de
probleme de interactiune si comunicare intre societate, biserica si
stat. Duo van der Mixt si Alexandra Croitoru
studiaza transformarile la care duce schimbul de putere religioasa. Casa
Gontz va ofera un safari prin agentia sa
de turism politic. Vlad Nanca ride de mult prea discutata Catedrala.
Dupa ce se opreste din ris, se joaca cu mult
prea umflatul "terorism", la fel ca si Cristi Pogacean in remake-ul unei
opere clasice a kitsch-ului. Gorzo
il transforma pe Domnul Presedinte in star si Mona Vatamanu/ Florin
Tudor isi continua studiul asupra mutatiilor
politice din spatiul urban. Mihai Gongu e optimist in legatura cu
societatea romaneasca in seria lui de bannere
pentru web, insa optimismul lui e construit pe o critica dura si
ironica. Irina Botea transforma locuinta opulenta
a lui Ceausescu de la Arcus intr-un decor al video-urilor ei jucause,
destinate unui exorcism al locului.
Dina Dancu studiaza dimensiunea sociala a artei, in interviuri
transformate in instalatii.
O alta directie a preocuparilor tinerilor artisti e cea a introspectiei
si recuperarii experientelor de viata.
Miklos Szilard insceneaza jocul pe care toti l-am jucat, tubermanele, ca
un 1st person shooter real.
Delia Popa isi transforma bunica ("Mamaia") intr-un simbol al unui stil
de viata pierdut si intr-un instrument
mental de recuperare a acestuia. Maria Draghici vorbeste despre comunism
folosind arhiva de fotografii
a familiei ca vehicol al interpretarii. Ioana Nemes se concentreaza
asupra vietii ei zilnice, intorcind-o pe toate
fetele in cautarea unor intelesuri intime. Liliana Basarab ii forteaza
pe ceilalti la introspectie, provocindu-i
sa defineasca "adevarul" si sa-i comunice definitia fara a rosti un
cuvint. Victor Man si Gili Mocanu
sunt apostolii unei picturi noi, redefinite, care reimprospateaza scena
artistica si vederile asupra acestui
medium clasic. Luind pe sus scena artistica prin arta hypermedia
politica, Alex Dragulescu foloseste cinic
date din blogurile soldatilor americani in Irak intr-un roman grafic pe web.
Subculturile tinerilor, sub semul interdictiei sunt miezul proiectului
lui Stefan Tiron - o saptamina de anarhie
digitala, file-sharing, muzica electronica si nesfirsite partide de
Counter Strike la Galeria Noua - si cel al
interventiilor urbane al grupului de street artists This.ro.
Mai multe detalii pe http://offset.underconstruct.com/index.
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