Dragu David on Wed, 7 Jun 2006 10:06:49 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] BOR si new+improved miscare democratica

Asta da - apologie!
  In fond ce voiam eu sa arat este nu forta de "regenerare/degenerare" a societatilor, ci doar faptul ca, formal, se schimba INFATISAREA oamenilor, gusturile si preferintele lor; lupta se duce pentru imagine! Nimeni nu se ma faleste azi ca citeste Goethe sau Sofocle in original, ci ca isi poate permite un Porsche sau Lamborghini...Ei bine, din acest punct de vedere - omul a ajuns la fundul budei! El nu gindeste, ci de da cu DUNE...asta da, "imbunatatire" a nivelului de trai & civilizatie!
  Subscriu - 

societate contemporana - mass production and labor specialization
an abundance of inexpensive and _cheap goods
absent in personal significance"

  - d.d.

0f0003 | maschinenkunst <n2o@ggttctttat.com> wrote:
>Ce deosebeste o societate contemporana de una traditionala/traditionalista?!

tot ce este contemporan este by that very fact traditional


societate contemporana - planned

societate traditionala - grown


societate contemporana - loose bonds between its citizens. strong bonds
between its institutions

societate traditionala - strong bonds between its citizens. loose bonds
between its institutions


societate contemporana - linear time. perpetual discontent

societate traditionala - time travel. transcendance. cyclical content\discontent


societate contemporana - mass production and labor specialization
an abundance of inexpensive and _cheap goods
absent in personal significance

societate traditionala - personal and small scale production.
low labor specialization with an abundance of
hand made / small scale production goods heavily
rooted in
personal and community rituals.


societate contemporana - pervasive threat of force and police intervention
enforce a diverse yet fractured standard

societate traditionala - pervasive interactions between its members ensure
a rich, meaningful and homogenous standard


societate contemporana - desacralization. false reality. fissured
universes. inharmonic unsustainable chaos.

societate traditionala - senseful reality. sacred universes. fluid harmonic
sustainable balance.

societate contemporana - communism. capitalism. artificial thought out \
planned \ theoretical \ within the human imagination worlds.

societate traditionala - village. body. nature. grown. beyond the human
imagination worlds.

much as a company is not sustainable and needs to employ individuals,
societatea contemporana is not sustainable and needs societatea traditionala
whether local, as witnessed in romania during capitalism/communism/capitalism,
or distributed, as evident in usa + ue which depend on '3rd world countries'

in all cases wealth is relocated from rural environments to urban centers,
from `3rd world` countries to `1st world countries`,
and chaos, terror and instability are exported to rural environments and
`3rd world` countries
under the brand names of 'progress', 'democracy', 'human rights',
'contemporary society'

the communists did it.
the capitalists perfected it.

das kapital - 1x global organizm

>Aceasta, de azi, foloseste hirtia igienica, si nu frunze de brusturi, cirpe si
>cu inventarea lui, ziarul...Astfel, se creaza iluzia complexitatii,
>si a prosperitatii. Sufletul omului nu evolueaza, poate - se cizeleaza!
>dintre acestea e mai importanta decit felul in care arata ambalajul (dupa unele
>surse - temnita) acestuia: corpul. De aceea, dreptul la diferenta e mai
>degraba un
>dar decit un drept. De ce sa revendici ceva daca il si posezi din nastere? Un
>de vedere.



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