stefan rusu on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 12:06:11 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Fw: Entropa_Pismo podpore |
Spoštovani prijatelji in sodelavci, v vednost vam pošiljamo pismo podpore češkemu umetniku Davifdu Černyju in češkemu predsedstvu za odpiranje razprave o Evropi s pomočjo sodobne konceptualne umetnosti. Glede na to, da smo o svobodi umetniškega izražanja in pomembni vlogi sodobne umetnostiveliko razpravljali nakonferenci "Nove paradigme, novi modeli - kultura v zunanjih EU odnosih" v Ljubljani maja lani, ter da je priporočila konference podprl Evropski svet, vam peticijo pošiljamo v vednost in v razmislek o podpori svobodi umetniškega izražanja v Evropi. S prijaznimi pozdravi, Helena Drnovšek Zorko Vodja, Sektor za mednarodne odnose v kulturi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republika Slovenija Dear friends and colleagues, please find bellow the letter of support to the artist David Cerny and the Czech presidency for opening the discussion about Europe with the work of a contamporary artist. Since the freedom of expression and the important role of contemporary art in a nowadays society were among the issues heavily discussed and supported also in the form of the political recommendations and Council conclusions at the conference New Paradigms, New Models - Culture in the EU External Relations" in Ljubljana last May, we thought you may consider supporting it or joining into discussion about pros and cons. Our firm beleif is that open discussion about ourselves is essential for European society. With best regards, stojan pelkoHead, Division for International Cultural Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Slovenia T: + 386 1 478 2302 F: + 386 1 478 2393 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION! Spostovani kolegi in kolegice, dragi prijatelji in prijateljice, 15. januarja 2009 so v preddverju Evropskega Sveta v Bruslju, ob uradnem zacetku ceskega predsedovanja EU, odprli razstavo >>Entropa<<, ceskega konceptualnega umetnika Davida Cernyja. Zajetna skulptura-instalacija, prikazuje drzave Evropske unije, kot razmetane puzzle, igrajoč se obenem s stereotipi, ki spremljajo vsako med njimi. Vsaka drzava je prikazana na specificen (ironicen) nacin, vecjo pozornost pa je izzvala Bolgarija, ki je uradno zahtevala, naj se skulptura umakne, saj je Bolgarija predstavljena v podobi >>turskega stranisca<<. Tovrstni posegi uradne politike v svobodo umetniskega izrazanja so nesprejemljivi, zato odločno protestiramo ter podpiramo umetnika in cesko predsedstvo EU, ki tovrstnim pritiskom (vsaj zaenkrat) ni podleglo. Na tej povezavi:, najdete pismo podpore, ki ga na enostaven način lahko podpisete. Pobudniki peticije: Mirovni institut - institut za sodobne druzbene in politicne studije, Ljubljana Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana ////////// Dear colleges and friends, The artwork "Entropa" by conceptual artist David Cerny has been exhibited on the premises of the European Council in Brussels since 15 January 2009 to mark the beginning of the Czech Republic's six-month presidency of the European Union. His installation-work aimed to provoke via an artistic depiction of the clichés about the various European countries. EU space is represented as a sculpture - puzzle composed of twenty-seven 3D maps of the European Union's members, each of them invoking and playing with a stereotype of the respective nation, answering in an artistic way to the Czech Republic's EU Presidency's official motto "Europe without Barriers". In that sense, Bulgaria is depicted as a "Turkish toilet", which major Bulgarian institutions and media found deeply insulting and Bulgarian authorities requested that the installation should be removed. We protest against any ideologically motivated pressures to an artwork. With this initiative we would like to give support both to the artist David Cerny, who wanted to find out if Europe is able to laugh at itself and Czech Republic's EU presidency, as the EU should not be the place for censorship and political pressures. On this link: you can find a letter of support which you can easily sign. Initiators of the petition: The Peace Institute - Institute for contemporary social and political studies, Ljubljana Gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana Gallery Skuc, Ljubljana _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: