Amalia Dulhan on Mon, 25 May 2009 12:40:21 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] F1RST SAMPLE finisaj |
[d]GALLERY >>>>> Str. Theodor Burada 12, Bucuresti Bucharest Deschis Open: marti > sambata Tuesday > Saturday 15:00>19:00 info.dgallery@gmail. com infodgallery.blogspot. com F1RST SAMPLE Finisaj > Sambata / Saturday(30mai) > 19:00 ARTISTI / ARTISTS: Adrian Preda, Amalia Dulhan, Florin Pantilimon, Mihaela Paraschivu, George Anghelescu, Stefan Ungureanu, Alina Spatariu, Doina Roman, Iulia Morcov, Radu Tartan, Ioana Ursa, Zanga Formatul patrat al lucrarilor, un metaforic "thumbnail" supradimensionat al creatiei lor actuale, este singurul element de legatura intre lucrari, expozitia neavand o tema comuna ci fiind un pretext pentru a le oferi ocazia de a expune impreuna, intr-un spatiu nou, dedicat lor si altor artisti tineri. Din considerente personale, au fost invitati sa expuna artisti care au un background comun. Asemanarile dintre lucrari (fie ca e vorba de tehnica, subiect sau cromatica) sunt pura intamplare si pot fi catalogate ca dovezi ale educatiei sau a mediului comun in care s-au format. "F1rst sample" este totodata un concept propriu de a promova tinerii artisti, urmand a fi reluat in viitor (prin expozitii de grup din seria "sample" urmate de expozitii individuale selectate). ................................................................... The square shape, a metaphoric oversized "thumbnail" of their current artistic work, is the only common feature among the artworks. The exhibition doesn't have a common theme, it is merely a pretext for artists to exhibit together, in a new space, dedicated to them and to other newly emerging artists. Because of personal considerations, the artists invited to exhibit know each other and have a history together, the resemblances between the works (technique / subject / coloring) are just coincidences that can be labeled as proofs of their common education and background. "F1rst sample" is also an artists promoting concept of the gallery, and it is meant to be continued in the future by selecting new artists (for group exhibitions of the "sample" series followed by solo shows). _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: