carmen iovitu on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 08:48:36 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Calin Dan - Anturajuâ si alte intamplari / Anturaju & Other Stories


Calin Dan - Anturajuâ si alte intamplari / Anturaju & Other Stories
25 noiembrie / November 2010 - 31 ianuarie / January 2011

Curator:Â Raluca Velisar
Discutie / Discussion: Joi / Thursday, 25 noiembrie / November, 18.00 h
Vernisaj / Opening: 25 noiembrie / November, 19.30 h
In perioada septembrie 2005 si mai 2007 Calin Dan a colaborat cu detinutii 
Penitenciarului Colibasi, pentru realizarea unui proiect sustinut de Biroul 
Arhitectului Guvernamental din Olanda (Atelier Rijksbouwmeester). Acest proces 
s-a materializat in mai 2007, prin realizarea spectacolului de teatru Carne / 
Cane despre perceptia sociala a delincventilor in Romania moderna. Conceputa si 
regizata de catre artist, piesa a fost interpretata de catre un grup de detinuti 
pe scena Teatrului Odeon. In urma aceluiasi proces, artistul a realizat in 2009 
Wings for Dogs / Aripi pentru caini, un video experimental reflectand asupra 
capcanelor comunicarii, si asupra felului cum percepem azi teme generale ca: 
responsabilitate, crima, destin, pedeapsa.
MNAC va prezenta in video instalatia Anturajuâ si alte intamplari materialul 
documentar rezultat din editarea a aproximativ 60 de ore de conversatii cu 
detinutii, precum si cele doua rezultate precedente ale acestui proiect

Expozitia va fi insotita de o publicatie si se va deschide cu o dezbatere despre 
modul in care arta publica poate aborda subiecte sociale sensibile. Invitatii 
propusi pentru sustinerea acestei discutii, sunt Jean Boumans (Huis voor de 
Kunsten Limburg; ex-curator al Atelier Rijsbouwmeester si coordonator al 
proiectului), Mariana Celac (arhitect si eseist), Dana Cenusa (Administratia 
Nationala a Penitenciarelor), Arno van Roosmalen (Director, Stroom, Den Haag), 
Bruno Stefan (sociolog, autor al Mediului penitenciar romanesc).
Between September 2005 and May 2007 CÄlin Dan has been involved in a 
collaboration with the inmates from the ColibaÅi Penitentiary, within the frame 
of a project commissioned to him by the Office of the Chief Government Architect 
of the Netherlands (Atelier Rijksbouwmeester). The first outcome of this process 
was a theatre performance (in 2007) reflecting on the human condition of the 
criminals in modern Romania. Written and directed by the artist, the play Carne 
/ Cane was performed by a group of inmates for an enthusiastic audience, at 
Odeon Theatre.
Another outcome of the same process is Wings for Dogs (2009), a video-essay 
about our perception of timeless themes such as responsibility, crime, destiny 
and punishment.
MNAC brings to the public in a brand new video installation the documentary 
material resulted from the editing of about 60 hours of conversations with the 
inmates, and the two already completed results of this project.

For this occasion a publication will be produced. As an opening event, a round 
table discussion about how public art commissions can handle sensitive social 
topics will be organised. The invited guests are: Jean Boumans (Huis voor de 
Kunsten Limburg; ex-curator of Atelier Rijsbouwmeester and coordinator of the 
project), Mariana Celac (architect and essayist), Dana Cenusa (The National 
Administration of the Penitentiaries), Arno van Roosmalen (Director, Stroom, Den 
Haag), Bruno Stefan (sociologist, author of The Romanian Penitentiary 
Proiect realizat cu sprijinul / With the support of: Mondriaan Foundation, 
Ambasada Regatului Tarilor de Jos / Embassy of the Kingdom of theÂNetherlands, 
The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, 
Penitenciarul Colibasi / Colibasi Penitentiary.
Partener MNAC Partner: BRD Groupe Societe Generaleâ
Sponsor: Murfatlarâ
Parteneri media / Media partners:Â Igloo, Arhitectura, 24 Fun, Radio France 
Internationale,, Cocor MediaChannelâ
Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 
050563âintrarea prin / entrance from Calea 13 Septembrieâtel: +40 21 318 91 37 
/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38, www.mnac.roâMiercuri / Wednesday - duminica / Sunday 
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