Bazis on Tue, 25 Oct 2011 14:08:26 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] info: Kicsiny Balazs exhibition in BAZIS contemporary art space, Fabrica de Pensule, Cluj-Napoca

The Art of Self-justificationâBÃZIS â contemporary art space

artist: Kicsiny BalÃzs
vernisaj: 21 octombrie, 2011, h: 19.00
adresÄ: Fabrica de Pensule, str. Henri Barbusse 59-61, etaj 1, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj

foto & video:

Kicsiny BalÃzs este unul dintre cei mai proeminenÅi artiÅti maghiari contemporani. Este Ãn principal renumit probabil pentru pavilionul realizat la Bienala de la VeneÅia din 2005 (unde a fost ales sÄ reprezinte Ungaria), care a fost Ãntr-adevÄr unul dintre cele mai bune ale acelei ediÅii. Dar cariera Åi opera sa sunt mult prea complexe pentru a putea fi reduse la acest singular demers, chiar dacÄ este unul destul de spectaculos,desfÄÅurÃndu-se de-a lungul a peste douÄzeci Åi cinci de ani de prezenÅÄ semnificativÄ pe scena artisticÄ maghiarÄ Åi internaÅionalÄ. 
La o primÄ vedere, cel mai adecvat termen pentru a descrie producÅia artisticÄ a lui Kicsiny ar pÄrea sÄ fie acela de âinstalaÅieâ. Dar, Ãn cazul sÄu, aÅa cum o siluetÄ antropomorfÄ nu e niciodatÄ o simplÄ sculpturÄ, Ãn sensul clasic al termenului (un obiect de artÄ tridimensional destinat sÄ fie admirat), nici o instalaÅie nu e niciodatÄ un simplu ansamblu de forme care conlucreazÄ pentru a produce sens. Astfel, instalaÅiile sale se adreseazÄ privitorului Ãntr-o manierÄ foarte angajantÄ, uneori pÄrÃnd a fi performance â uri ÃngheÅate, alteori, stranii elemente de recuzitÄ dintr-un spectacol de teatru al unui regizor pasionat de suprarealism. Ãntr-un fel, majoritatea lucrÄrilor sale majore, de la Winterreise la Migrating Interpretation, de la Permanent Landing la Exact Time, relaÅioneazÄ cu noÅiunea de enunÅ performativ, Ãn sensul cel mai imediat al conceptului. Astfel, ele sunt prezente Åi acÅioneazÄ prin actul ÃnsuÅi de a fi prezente, fac ceva Ãn lume mai degrabÄ decÃt sÄ Ãi spunÄ privitorului ceva despre aceasta. Tind sÄ genereze experienÅÄ, mai degrabÄ decÃt sens. 
Pentru prima sa expoziÅie personalÄ Ãn RomÃnia, Kicsiny BalÃzs propune, la BÃzis de la Fabrica de Pensule din Cluj, un proiect care evidenÅiazÄ tocmai caracteristicile artei sale mai sus menÅionate. IntitulatÄ "The Art of Self-justification", expoziÅia de la BÃzis abordeazÄ tematici ca relaÅia dintre semne Åi interdicÅii, caracterul convenÅional al comunicÄrii Åi natura opresivÄ a puterii, manifestatÄ Ãn standardizare. O instalaÅie imersivÄ, proiectul lui Kicsiny este totodatÄ o invitaÅie deschisÄ la a reflecta asupra unor asemenea probleme Åi provoacÄ spectatorul sÄ treacÄ dincolo de plÄcerea sau fascinaÅia vizualÄ pentru a arunca o privire asupra ameninÅÄrilor la care face aluzie.
Bogdan Iacob

Kicsiny BalÃzs is one the most prominent Hungarian artists today. He is probably mainly renown for his Venice Biennale pavilion from 2005, where he was chosen to represent Hungary, which was truly on of the best of that edition. But his career and oeuvre are far too complex to be reduced to this single, albeit quite spectacular endeavour, spanning more that twenty-five years of significant presence both on the Hungarian and on the international art scene. 
At a first glance, the best term to describe Kicsinyâs artistic production might appear to be âinstallation artâ. But, with him, just as an anthropomorphic shape is never simply a sculpture, in the classical meaning of the word (namely, a three-dimensional art object that is to be admired), an installation is never simply an ensemble of shapes that come together to produce meaning. Thus, his installations address the viewer in a very engaging manner, sometimes looking like frozen performances, other times like uncanny props from a theatre show of a director with a passion for surrealism. In a way, most of his major works, from Winterreise to Migrating Interpretation, from Permanent Landing to Exact Time, relate to the notion of performative utterance, in the very direct meaning of the concept. Thus, they are present and they act by the very act of their presence, they do something in the world, rather then saying something about it to the viewer. They tend to generate experience, rather than meaning.
For his first solo show in Romania, Kicsiny BalÃzs proposes, at BÃzis from the Paintbrushes Factory in Cluj, a project that reveals precisely the above mentioned characteristics of his art. Titled The Art of Self-justification, the show at BÃzis touches on topics such as the relationship between signs and interdictions, the conventional character of communication and the oppressive nature of power, manifested in standardization. An immersive installation, Kicsinyâs project is at the same time an open invitation to reflection on such issues and it challenges the spectator to go beyond visual pleasure or fascination to take a glimpse at the menaces it alludes to. 

Bogdan Iacob

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