PAVILION [journal for politics and culture] on Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:12:13 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Lecture STEFAN VIANU @ PAVILION


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Stefan Vianu
KANT dupa DUCHAMP? Dincolo de judecata estetica

Joi, 22 noiembrie 2012, 19.00

@PAVILION, Sos. Nicolae Tutulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)

"Inventand readymade-ul, Marcel Duchamp a imbogatit arta moderna cu o noua idee; mai mult decat atat, el a transformat in mod radical intelesul artei. Despre obiectul cel mai banal se poate spune, in anumite conditii, ca este âartaâ; ceea ce inseamna ca limita dintre arta si non-arta devine problematica. Dar acest lucru nu inseamna ca nu ne putem intreba daca un obiect care ne este prezentat drept arta este pe buna dreptate numit astfel. Aceasta este si problematica propusa de Thierry de Duve intr-o carte deja celebra â âKant dupa Duchampâ. Acest autor arata ca judecata (estetica) âacest obiect este artaâ ia locul judecatii estetice traditionale âacest lucru este frumosâ â punand astfel in evidenta necesitatea de a modifica teoria kantiana a judecatii estetice, si aratand totodata pertinenta problematicii kantiene in teoria contemporana a artei: pretentia de universalitate a judecatii estetice este pastrata, precum si caracterul indemonstrabil al judecatii respective. Aceasta problematica este, pentru de Duve, inerenta artei moderne ca atare, in masura in care prin ea se exprima, intr-un sens pe care il vom preciza, substanta insasi a modernitatii.

âConditia post-modernaâ nu modifica in mod radical aceasta constatare: fie ca am iesit din modernitate, fie ca ne hranim in continuare din proiectul ei, formularea reinnoita a judecatii estetice aduce laindeplinire miÈcarea modernitatii. Dar a carei modernitati? O analiza aprofundata a raportului dintre arta (moderna) si modernitate ne va permite sa nuantam pozitia lui de Duve si sa ne intrebam daca situatia artei moderne nu este cumva si mai complicata." (Stefan Vianu)

Stefan Vianu s-a nascut la Bucuresti in 1963. A studiat teologia si filosofia la Universitatea din Geneva, unde si-a sustinut doctoratul in 2001. A lucrat din 2001 pana in 2005 la Institutul de Filosofie al Academiei Romane. In prezent preda filosofia culturii si estetica la Universitatea de Arhitectura âIon Mincuâ din Bucuresti. In cadrul cursului despre spatiul public abordeaza problema legaturii artei contemporane cu orasul. A participat la diverse conferinte si ateliere despre arta contemporana. I-au aparut studii in volumele âACUMâ (Arta, Comunitati urbane, Mobilizare) publicate la Editura Universitatii de Arhitectura si Urbanism âIon Mincuâ si o serie de articole in reviste culturale. Un articol despre avangarda europeana va aparea in numarul 6 al revistei ARHITECTURA.


Stefan Vianu
Kant after Duchamp? Beyond aesthetic judgement

Thursday, 22 November 2012, 19.00
@PAVILION, Sos. Nicolae Tutulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)

By inventing the readymade, Marcel Duchamp brings a new idea into art, moreover, he radically transforms the meaning of art. The most common object can be said to be art in specific contexts. Consequently, the border between art and non-art becomes problematic. However, this doesnât mean we canât ask whether an art object presented to us as such is justly qualified as so. Thierry de Duve explores this matter in his already famous book âKant after Duchampâ. The author illustrates how the aesthetic judgement âthis object is artâ replaces the traditional one âthis object is beautifulâ and stresses the necessity to change the Kantian aesthetic judgement while showing how relevant the Kantian matter is in contemporary art theory: he keeps the aesthetic judgementâs claim on universality as well as its improvable nature. This matter is to de Duve innate to modern art to the extent in which, to a point we will outline, modernityâs essence expresses itself through it.

âThe post-modernâ condition doesnât radically alter this observation: whether we left modernity behind or we still feed on its project, the newly formulated aesthetic judgement reinforces the moving of modernity. Which modernity are we talking about though? An in-depth analysis of the link between (modern) art and modernity will allow us to see de Duveâs position in all its complexities and question the situation of modern art which seems to be more complicated than this.

Stefan Vianu, born in 1963 in Bucharest, studied Theology and Philosophy at the University of Geneva, where he took his PhD in 2001. He worked between 2001 and 2005 at the Philosophy Institute of the Romanian Academy. Currently he teaches the Philosophy of Culture and Aesthetics at âIon Mincuâ University of Architecture in Bucharest. During his class on public space he reaches the issue of connecting contemporary art with the city. He participated in several conferences and workshops on contemporary art. His studies can be found in the âACUMâ (âNOWâ) (Art, Urban communities, Mobilisation) volumes, featured in âIon Mincuâ University of Architectureâs publishing house, and a series of articles in cultural magazines. An article regarding the european avant-garde will appear in the sixth issue of the ARHITECTURA Journal.

PAVILION center for contemporary art & culture 
proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 021 310 5469


PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice  care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION CENTER are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Institutional Partners:
Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest
Embassy of the United States in Bucharest
FSPUB - Faculty of Political Science
University of Bucharest
CNI Coresi
Alert Studio
Romanian Cultural Institute
Rumanska Kulturinstitutet Stockholm
Make A Point
BAM - Flamish Institute for Visual, Audiovisual and Media Art
Nana - natural food
Cinema Union
Arhiva Nationala de Filme
White Night of the Galleries

Media Partners:
Radio Romania Cultural
RFI Romania
Arte & Meserii
Ginger Group
Urban Things Romania
Radical Philosophy

Official Hotel: Intercontinental Hotel

Official coffee: Illy

Printing Partner: Evergreen Concept

Production Partner: Update Advertising

Official Club: Control

Official Restaurant: Shift

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