Victoria Art Center on Tue, 8 Oct 2013 18:23:18 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Expozitia " Eu, En, Ich (II) - Mituri " - VICTORIA ART CENTER

Eu, En, Ich (II)*

*- Mituri -*

* **      Magda CÃrneci, Aurora KirÃly, Marilena Preda-SÃnc, Roxana

*Cu un comentariu de Laura GrÃnberg*

 *23 septembrie â 19 octombrie 2013*

Ãn 1993 avea loc la BucureÈti prima expoziÈie de artÄ cu conÈinut declarat
feminist: *Eu, En, Ich* â repetÃnd Ãn titlu pronumele *eu* Ãn romÃnÄ,
maghiarÄ Èi germanÄ â expoziÈie care a trezit atunci multe rumori. Cele 3
protagoniste ale momentului, Marilena Preda-SÃnc, Roxana Trestioreanu Èi
Magda CÃrneci, ÃnsoÈite de comentariul critic al Alexandrei Titu, propuneau
instalaÈii vizual-sonore care afirmau, cu un anume curaj pentru epocÄ,
dreptul la recunoaÈterea Èi exhibarea specificitÄÈii feminine, Ãntr-o lume
abia ieÈitÄ din pudibonderia Èi cenzura comunistÄ.

La 20 de ani de atunci, Ãn aceastÄ a doua ediÈie a expoziÈiei, Ãn care
grupului de trei i s-a alÄturat Aurora KirÃly iar comentariul e semnat de
Laura GrÃnberg, este exploratÄ tematica amplÄ a miturilor contemporane
dintr-un punct de vedere feminin/feminist. De la mitul personal la mitul
familial, de la mitul socio-politic la mitul naÈional, sunt abordate
multimedial, cu tehnici vizuale moderne, seriile de identitÄÈi suprapuse Èi
contradictorii, iluzionante Èi tensionante, care ne constituie Èi pe care
trebuie sÄ le transgresÄm.

*Victoria Art Center, Calea Victoriei 12C, BucureÈti*



*Eu, En, Ich (II)*

*- Myths -*

*Magda CÃrneci, Aurora KirÃly, Marilena Preda-SÃnc, Roxana Trestioreanu*

*With a commentary by Laura GrÃnberg** *

*September 23 â October 19, 2013*

In 1993 a first exhibition with a declared feminist content took place in
Bucharest : *Eu, En, Ich* â a title that was repeating the pronoun I in
Romanian, Hungarian, and German, the three major nationalities living in
Romania. Coming after the fall of the communist regime, this exhibition
provoked many rumours at the time. The three participants in it, Marilena
Preda SÃnc, Roxana Trestioreanu, and Magda CÃrneci, accompanied by the
written comments of art critic Alexandra Titu, proposed visual-sonorous
installations that were asserting, with a certain courage for the period,
the right to acknowledge and to exhibit female physical and psychological
issues within a world still marked by totalitarian prudishness and

Twenty years later, a second edition of that exhibition is being organized,
wherein visual artist Aurora KirÃly has joined the group and the commentary
is signed by sociologist Laura GrÃnberg. This time the vast theme of
conteporary mythology is explored from a feminin/feminist point of view.
From the personal myth to the family one, from the socio-political myth to
the national one, the series of contradictory and overlapping identities
composing our individual and collective selves are tackled with photo,
video, drawing, and pictural means in order to make them transparent and
acceptable, less conflictual and more transgressible.

*Victoria Art Center, Calea Victoriei 12C, Bucharest, Romania*

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