Irina Radu on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:44:41 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Ciprian Ciuclea > Interval deschis/Open Interval @Aiurart | Vernisaj: joi 26 iunie, ora 19

Ciprian Ciuclea: Interval deschis

Curatoare: Adriana Oprea

26 iunie - 22 august 2014 | SpaÈiul Aiurart | BucureÈti, Lirei 21 | Luni â
sÃmbÄtÄ, 3-7 pm

Vernisaj: joi 26 iunie, ora 19

* Please scroll down for the English version

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Ciprian Ciuclea e un artist care cerceteazÄ relaÅia dintre imagine Åi
senzorialitate. I love Bach (Galeria Calina, TimiÅoara, 2009) Åi Descriptio
(Muzeul NaÈional Brukenthal, Sibiu, 2009) au fost douÄ expoziÅii personale
importante care au dat coordonatele investigaÈiei lui, reluatÄ la scarÄ
diferitÄ Åi cu aparent alte interese teoretice Ãn expoziÅii mai recente cum
au fost The consequences of the object's interpretation process on an
objective look (Galeria Recycle Nest, BucureÅti, 2010) Åi Erosion | After
continental drift theory (SpaÅiul Platforma, Muzeul NaÅional de ArtÄ
ContemporanÄ, BucureÅti, 2013). Ãn ele, senzorialul artei este pus Ãn scenÄ
prin incursiuni Ãn ÅtiinÅÄ. Proiectele lui Ciprian Ciuclea sunt
tehnologice, se sprijinÄ pe aparaturÄ ca personaj principal al expunerii Åi
pe noÅiuni de matematicÄ, fizicÄ, opticÄ Èi chimie.

Interval deschis se Ãnscrie Ãn aceastÄ linie, recuperÃnd o preocupare mai
veche a artistului faÅÄ de senzorialitatea ÃnregistrÄrii sunetului. Motiv
pentru care Interval deschis este o elaboratÄ instalaÅie de sunet.
Sprijinindu-se pe noÅiunea algebricÄ binecunoscutÄ (interval deschis sau
Ãnchis), sunetul manipulat Ãn spaÅiul de expunere creeazÄ realitatea
concretÄ a unei formule altfel abstracte. Ce ÃnseamnÄ sÄ produci Åi sÄ
percepi un interval deschis prin unde sonore? Sunetul este mai ÃntÃi
propagat Åi Ãnregistrat fizic prin imagine (prima parte a expunerii:
instalaÅie audio-video), ca apoi sÄ devinÄ protagonist de unul singur (a
doua parte: instalaÅie sonorÄ). Proiectul lui Ciprian Ciuclea propune un
mediu imersiv, ambiental, difuz; o atmosferÄ conceptual-sonorÄ care
reconfigureazÄ datele fizice ale spaÅiului Èi ale perceperii lui.

Ciprian Ciuclea este artist romÃn stabilit Ãn BucureÈti. Este interesat de
proiectele site-specific Èi se concentreazÄ Ãn principal pe aspectele
conceptuale ale receptÄrii. El dezvoltÄ instalaÈii complexe, care implicÄ
lumina, sunetul Èi video. Temele explorate, folosindu-Èi de multe ori
corpul ca pe un instrument, sunt legate de aspectele sociale ale
comunicÄrii Èi interpretÄrii mesajelor, contemplare Èi supraveghere, puse
Ãn relaÈie cu aspectele ÈtiinÈifice ale existenÈei umane.

Adriana Oprea este critic Èi istoric de artÄ. ColaboreazÄ cu spaÈii de
artÄ, scrie cronici, curatoriazÄ expoziÈii. Ãn 2011, ea a semnat curatorial
expoziÈia "Welcome to the Uncanny Valley " (artiÈti: Zsolt BerszÃn, IstvÃn
Betuker, Veres Szabolcs) de la Galeria Bazis, Ãn Fabrica de Pensule din
Cluj, iar Ãn 2012 a avut o intervenÈie documentarÄ despre ficÈiune Èi
uitare Ãn istoria artei Ãn "Trecutul Perfect. Oferte efemere ", un proiect
la SpaÈiul Platforma, Muzeul NaÈional de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ din BucureÈti.
Adriana Oprea trÄieÈte Èi lucreazÄ Ãn BucureÈti.


Ciprian Ciuclea - Open Interval

Curator: Adriana Oprea

June 26th  - August 22nd, 2014 | Aiurart Contemporary Art Space

Opening: 26th of June, 7pm

Ciprian Ciuclea is an artist concerned with the relationship between image
and sensoriality. I love Bach (Calina Gallery, Timisoara, 2009) and
Descriptio (Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu, 2009) are two important
exhibitions that offered the main coordinates of his visual universe,
repeated at different scale and with seemingly other theoretical interests
in more recent exhibitions, as The consequences of the object's
interpretation process on an objective look (Recycle Nest Gallery,
Bucharest, 2010) and Erosion | After continental drift theory (Spatiul
Platforma, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, 2013). Art
sensory is thus presented with consistent incursions in science. Therefore,
all his projects are technological, based on apparatus as the protagonist
of the display and on mathematics, physics, optics and chemistry.

The Open Interval project is in this line, retrieving an old concern of the
artist for sound recording. This is why Open Interval is an elaborate sound
system. Relying on the well-known algebraic notion (open or closed
interval), the sound played in the exhibition space will physically create
the reality of a formula that otherwise remains abstract. What does it mean
to produce and perceive an open interval through sound waves? The
particularity of the exhibition is that the sound will be spread and
physically recorded first through image (the first part of the exhibit:
audio-video installation), and then it will become the protagonist (the
second part: sound installation). Ciprian Ciucleaâs project proposes an
immersive, ambiental, diffuse environment, a conceptual sound that reshapes
the physical aspects of the space and its perception.

Ciprian Ciuclea is a Romanian visual artist based in Bucharest. He is
interested in site-specific projects that focuse mainly on conceptual
aspects of reception. He develops complex installations involving light,
sound and video. The themes explored, often using his personal face and
body as an instrument, are related to social aspects of communication and
message interpretation, contemplation and surveillance, usually placed in
relationship with scientific aspects of humane existence.

Adriana Oprea is a Romanian critic and art historian. She collaborates with
art spaces, signes reviews and curates exhibitions. In 2011 she curated
"Welcome to the Uncanny Valley" (artists: BerszÃn Zsolt, Betuker IstvÃn,
Veres Szabolcs) at Bazis Gallery in Paintbrush Factory in Cluj and, in
2012, she had a documentary intervention about fiction and forgetfulness in
art history within âPast Perfect. Ephemeral Offeringsâ, a project and
exhibition at Platforma Space at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in
Bucharest. Adriana Oprea lives and works in Bucharest.


Parteneri/Partners: Editura Vellant, Asdesign95, Radio RomÃnia Cultural,
Zeppelin, Èapte Seri, Revista Arta, Senso TV Arte, Modernism, ArtClue,
Vernisaje, Artindex,, Metropotam, AR_chitecture TV,
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