Valentina Iancu on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:41:14 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: Unkindness of Ravens - vernisaj - Joi, 11 septembrie, ora 19.00 - in Turnul de Arta Pantelimon

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From: Make a Point <>
Date: 2014-09-09 10:46 GMT+03:00
Subject: Unkindness of Ravens - vernisaj - Joi, 11 septembrie, ora 19.00 -
in Turnul de Arta Pantelimon
To: Valentina <>

      Unkindness of Ravens- vernisaj - Joi, 11 septembrie 2014, ora 19.00,
la Turnul de Arta Pantelimon
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        Unkindness of Ravens Vernisaj. Joi, 11 septembrie. Ora 19.00 artist
Ramsey Arnaoot
 *.* *Unkindness of Ravens*
*Iâve watched the ravens,*
*the birds of prey, peck at their pleasure, as hard men harvest hatred on
the field.*

--Thorarin the Black, Eyrbyggja saga

"Unkindness of Ravens" este o serie de picturi Ãn acuarele, inspirate de
cÄlÄtoriile recente ale artistului Ãn Westfjords Èi sudul Islandei. Picturile
ÃnfÄÈiÈeazÄ atmosfera momentelor imediat urmatoare unor clipe de violenÈÄ
extremÄ Ãn Eyrbyggja saga, una dintre legendele fondatoare ale Islandei -
momente de liniÈte, de reflecÈie, sau adesea de fugÄ. Pe masurÄ ce povestea
se dezvÄluie, certuri aparent accidentale Ãntre primii coloniÈti se
dezvoltÄ Ãn vendete pe termen lung, fiind Ãntinse de-a lungul generaÈiilor,
ploriferÃnd cicluri de episoade violente, fÄrÄ concluzii.
In timp ce confruntarea ÃnsÄÈi inundÄ corpul cu adrenalinÄ, urmÄrile ei
creazÄ dezgust; senzaÈia de vertij din timpul ascensiunii pe Turnul de ArtÄ
oferÄ o completare vizionÄrii lucrÄrilor.
Se creazÄ o analogie Ãntre vÃnturile puternice resimÈite pe turn, care se
aflÄ deasupra clÄdirilor din preajma, Èi Ãntre vÃnturile dominante Èi
vremea mereu schimbÄtoare din Islanda, o insulÄ tÃnÄrÄ de rocÄ vulcanicÄ Èi
cÃÈiva copaci.

*"Unkindness of Ravens" is a series of paintings in watercolor inspired by
the artist's recent trip to the Westfjords and the south of Iceland. The
paintings depict atmospheric moments just after extreme violence in the
Eyrbyggja saga, one of the founding sagas of Iceland - moments of rest, of
reflection, or often of flight.  As the saga unfolds, seemingly incidental
quarrels between the early settlers develop into long-term blood feuds
spanning generations, and spawning cycles of violence without conclusion.
While confrontation itself floods the body with adrenaline, its aftermath
leaves sick stomachs; the feeling of vertigo on ascending the Pantelimon
Art Tower provides a complementary accompaniment to the work. The strong
winds in the higher altitude of the tower, above the surrounding buildings,
are analogous to the prevailing winds and protean weather of Iceland, a
young island of volcanic rock, and few trees. The exhibition opens
on September 11th in the Pantelimon Art Tower of the Make a Point gallery
in Bucharest, Romania.*

*Vernisaj 11 septembrie, ora 19.00*
*11 - 30 Septembrie*
VizitÄ pe bazÄ de programare la **

*Sos. Morarilor nr. 1, sector 2, Bucuresti*


Ramsey Arnaoot (b. 1980) is an este un artist american, de origine
sirian-texana care locuieste in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Lucreaza in
principal cu acuarele, in prezent se concentreaza pe reprezentari naÃve.
Expozitii trecute includ lucrari video in "Given Enough Eyeballs" la Esther
M Klein Gallery, sculptua si pictura in "Let the Dawn Only Come" la
Philadelphia Institute of Advanced Study. In lunile de iarna din emisfera
nordica, Ramsey continua sa studieze in atelierul lui Patricio
Larrambebere, Buenos Aires.

*Ramsey Arnaoot (b. 1980) is an American-born artist of Syrian-Texan
descent residing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He paints primarily in
watercolor, currently focusing on naÃve depictions of light. Previous shows
include video work in "Given Enough Eyeballs" at Esther M Klein Gallery,
and sculpture and paintings in "Let the Dawn Only Come" at the Philadelphia
Institute of Advanced Study. In the winter months of the Northern
Hemisphere, he continues to study in the atelier of Patricio Larrambebere,
Buenos Aires.*


*Make a Point*

Make a Point este o AsociaÈie culturalÄ ÃnfiinÈatÄ Ãn anul 2009 de cÄtre
trei oameni de artÄ: criticul de film Viorica Bucur, regizorul de film
documentar MÄdÄlina RoÈca Èi artistul vizual Alma Cazacu, care aduce
cultura mai aproape de oameni. Geografic vorbind.
AsociaÈia organizeazÄ expoziÈii, spectacole, proiecÈii de film, seminarii,
workshop-uri Èi este un spaÈiu dedicat expunerii de lucrÄri Èi mesaje ale
creatorilor contemporani Ãntr-un loc aparent inaccesibil artei: o fostÄ
halÄ a PostÄvÄriei RomÃne. Ãn 2012 Èi Ãn 2014, Make a Point a cÃÈtigat
Premiul al II-lea Èi respectiv al III-lea pentru ArtÄ Èi CulturÄ la Gala
SocietÄÈii Civile.

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  *Make a Point 2009 - 2014, All rights reserved.*
*Our mailing address is:*

Valentina Iancu

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