Balint Anna on Mon, 10 Jan 2000 12:44:15 +0100

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Syndicate: 2000 - The Year of Chance in Artpool

>From January 1 to December 31, 2000


2000, the last year of the 20th century, interpreted as the zero-year of
the 21st century is suitable to be the YEAR of the CHANCE project of
Artpool Art Research Center, for it "zeros" what has happened so far,
and thus attempts to generate, out of the chances, a "self-assembling"
refurbishment and approaches the IMPOSSIBLE (2001).


An action is determined by chance coincidences: as pieces of information
get together by chance, they intensify each other and finally become an event.
Simultaneous events, generated by chances intensifying each other, get
further intensified by subsequent chances, and cause irreversible changes.
Irreversible changes never run to one direction only, therefor they
either extinguish or intensify each other due to chance, and if so, they
determine the future for a good while.
The changes that determine the future simultaneously do not run in one
direction either, which means that several futures arise and chance
opens the way for the next future.
"Chance future" builds up as a network, therefor future is an issue
neither pertaining to the medium, nor to the concept; it pertains to the
contents. These network-like issues of content (with all their
implications) model themselves on the one hand, and they can also be
modeled from the future on the other hand.


to set off the network construction

Every artist and non-artist of the world is invited to participate in
the project, if he/ she understands what it is about.
The project has NO SUBJECT-MATTER,
(only a title: setting off the network construction "CHANCE FUTURE")
therefore all participants have to send the information or document
which is/ was the most important ? for them at the moment
Prospective participants are expected to reflect on how - and how much -
the past and the future determine the present.
The project is open from January 1 to  December 31, 2000.
 Aspects of the treatment: the time of mailing and delivery, the
contents of the shipment, current events of (local or global) art,
science and/or politics; coincidences with the other shipment of the
same or the previous day, and/or with any following shipment. In the
course of the treatment, all the information coming from the
participants, just like molecules in the "primary soup", during their
free (random) motion will find, in the poetic sense, their "geometric
space", and so they will all become parts of the self-assembling poetry
(or chance story ).
The project will be open to the public through exhibitions and
accidental events in the Artpool P60 exhibition space. At the same time,
on the internet, a diary of chance will be kept.


I owe the expressions "self-assembling poetry" and "diary of chance" to
Miklós Erdély and László Beke, respectively / copy this paper and
forward it  to your best friends /
best regards: György Galántai

Artpool Art Research Center
Budapest VI., Liszt Ferenc ter 10.
tel.: +36-1-2680114, fax: +36-1-3210833
Postal address: 1277 Budapest 23, Pf. 52

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