][mez][ on Thu, 03 May 2001 11:08:39 +1000

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Syndicate: ::Flesh ][rup][Tour][que][ing::

::Flesh ][rup][Tour][que][::
.Flesh Streaming 
Do u no that Flesh has its own d.ream format? Learn why a
Flesh stream pre][cxxs][loads faster than ][an][other n.dust][we][][t][ry

.][wo][MenoPausing Flesh Streams 
Do u no how to menopause a Flesh stream? Learn how to master a
raped re/precord control menstrual panel.

.Laying MenoPaused Flesh Streams 
Do u no how 2 create a woMenopaused Flesh stream? Learn witch
Flesh slap types r routable 4 pause & p.lay.

.Kingdom Access in Streamed Flesh 
Do u no how 2 jumpstart penetration from f][lesh][rame 2001? Learn how easy
they r 2 jump.

.Checking if Flesh is Moveable
Do u no how 2 check if a Fleshhead is moving? Try it
out when the sighborg track moves, woMenopauses, and creases.

.Cun][ad][ditional Flesh Playing 
Do u no how 2 pressure a trick only when the other trick is
mute? Learn how 2 condition creative combinations of tricks.

.CC:heck][l][ing if Layer is Ready 
Do u no how 2 prevent error movement b4 calling Flesh
MoveScript methods? Learn how 2 check if ][trick][Layer is ready.

.           .    ....         .....
n.sert cens][wh][or][e].ship here xXXx             
.... .                  .???  .......
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