Frédéric Neyrat via nettime-l on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 03:27:34 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Online Hearing 'targeted killing' < tomorrow friday 6 pm

Dear Christian Heck,

Thanks for sharing this courageous text:

"Therefore, the obvious and urgent next step should be to outlaw the
practice of targeted killings supported by AI systems such as Lavender as a
war crime under international law."

I agree; alas, in the near future, in the reversed world where the false is
a moment of the false, it'll be asking "to outlaw the practice of
targeted killings supported by AI systems" that will be considered war

In solidarity,


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On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 12:50 PM christian heck via nettime-l <> wrote:

> dear nettimers,
> in april we, the Working group against armed drones
> <>and the Computer Professionals
> for Peace and Societal Responsibility (FIfF e. V.
> <>), together with the Information Center on
> Militarization (IMI e. V. <>) have published a
> posistion paper
> <
> on direct response to the research from yuval abraham in /+972
> <Information Center on Militarization>/ about the AI-powered Decision
> Support and Targeting System "Lavender" used by the IDF. you'll find an
> english version of our paper in /Berlinger Gazette/ here:
> Since then, an international collaboration with people from peace and AI
> research and other fields & disciplines has taken place to deal with the
> call to outlaw the practice of ‘targeted killing’ with AI-powered
> Decision Support Systems (DSS) as a war crime.
> finally we have decided to organize an online hearing on it _"targeted
> killing /or /the promise to kill the right one"_ in which you are warmly
> invited!
> We are delighted to have been able to invite some amazing speakers to
> give short talks dealing with the following questions:
>   * *Even if the protection of the civilian population were the
>     intention of the warring parties, would such protection be realistic?*
>   * *Is it possible to maintain a clear separation between human and
>     machine action and decision-making?*
>   * *Will humans become a symbolic representation that can be used,
>     replaced or destroyed?* *And if so, how is this dehumanisation
>     taking place?*
>   * *What does scientific research say about human control,
>     responsibility and ethics in current armed conflicts?*
>   * *How can decisions based on AI-powered systems be validated and made
>     transparent enough for the global public to follow?*
>   * *Options for action:* *What can scientists do?* *How can civil
>     society and activists get involved?*
> The hearing will be held mainly in German. I hope that one or the other
> from the list will still be able to attend. if so, plz register here:
> you'll find some more info about the event »here
> <>«
> *_Programm:_*
> *_18.00 Uhr_ – Begrüßung:* Hans-Jörg Kreowski and Christian Heck /(//F/
> <>/IfF e. V./ <> – /Forum
> InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung)/
> *_18.05 - 18.45 Uhr_ – Moderation:* Angelika Wilmen /(//IPPNW/
> <>/– Internationale Ärztinnen für
> die Verhütung des Atomkriegs/Ärztinnen in sozialer Verantwortung)/
>   * *Der Mythos ‚Targeted Killing‘ - Zur Verantwortlichkeit bei
>     Einsätzen KI-gestützter Tötungssysteme am Beispiel des Lavender-
>     Programms*
>       o Rainer Rehak/(//Weizenbaum-Institut/
>         <>// //F/
>         <>/IfF e. V./ <>/–
>         Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche
>         Verantwortung)/
>   * *'Probably Approximately Correct'. Über algorithmische
>     Kriegsführung, abduktive Mutmaßungen und automatisiertes >Völkerrecht<*
>       o Jutta Weber/(//Universität Paderborn/
>         <>//
>         //MeHuCo/ <>/- Meaningful
>         Human Control)/
>   * *Disruption Network Institute: Investigating the Kill Cloud -
>     Bringing transparency to the opacity of data-centric warfare (in
>     English)*
>       o Tatiana Bazzichelli /(Director and Founder, //D/
>         <>/isruption Network Lab/
>         <>/)/
>   * *Q & A*
> *_18.45 - 19.25 Uhr_ – Moderation:* Angelika Wilmen /(//IPPNW/
> <>/– Internationale Ärztinnen für
> die Verhütung des Atomkriegs/Ärztinnen in sozialer Verantwortung)/
>   * *Das katastrophale Ende der Ethik im digitalen Krieg*
>       o Elke Schwarz /(//Queen Mary University London/
>         <>// //ICRAC/
>         <>/– International Commitee for Robot Arms
>         Control)/
>   * *targeted killing und der Status ziviler Opfer – ein philosophisches
>     Problem?*
>       o Jobst Paul /(//DISS/ <>/–
>         Duisburger Institut für Sprach- und Sozialforschung)/
>   * *Von ferngesteuerten zu autonomen Waffensystemen (AWS) – Gefahren
>     für Völkerrecht und militärische Stabilität – wie kann man AWS
>     verbieten?*
>       o Jürgen Altmann /(//Technische Universität Dortmund/
>         <>// //ICRAC/
>         <>/– International Committee for Robot
>         Arms Control)/
>   * *Q & A*
> *_19.25 Uhr_ – Schlußwort:* Susanne Grabenhorst /(//IPPNW/
> <>/– Internationale Ärztinnen für
> die Verhütung des Atomkriegs/Ärztinnen in sozialer Verantwortung)/
> /+++++++++++++++++++++/
> Feel welcome!
> christian heck/
> /
> --
> Friedensarbeit | Künstlerische Forschung | KI Kritik <
> Künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter für Ästhetik und neue
> Technologien in exMedia || Experimentelle Informatik <
> Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM) <
> --
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