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<nettime> anyone attending Sundance Film Festival?my doc GEN_ there

Hi nettimers
anyone @ Sundance festival?

I have a film in the World Documentary competition which premieres Jan 24
at 3pm at the Egyptian theatre

I wont be there in person but my co-author and director  Gianluca Matarrese
is there, together with the protagonist of the film , doctor Maurizio Bini

The film talks about hormone therapies , gender affirming care , IVF, etc.
It's about the struggle of this doctor against restrictive laws (in our
very conservative country, Italy) and an aggressive market, fighting to
take care of his patients.

In these very sad times, in which "there are only two genders", as it was
declared a few days ago, I feel that it's particularly important to talk
about these things and keep fighting

Also, if you know any journalists who's attending the festival and could
potentially be interested in chatting with them, pls do let me know

Moreover, not official yet ,but the film is also going to be @MOMA DOC
Fortnight -date still to be confirmed- ...I can let you know if anyone is
interested, and I might be there in person

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