Stefan Heidenreich via nettime-l on Thu, 23 Jan 2025 11:50:04 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism?

Good question.
However, your list can be completed:

- when art turns out to be an elite culture, producing mostly pure exclusivity for the few. - progressive parties of the former left turn out to be run by war obsessed Neo-Cons. - former trusted media engage in decade long hate-campaings against non-Western countries - cultural institutions serve war mobilization efforts & genocidal death-cults (Ukraine, Gaza...) - the climate-scare investment scheme is being replaced by a military investment-scheme, and politicians that once were thought to be 'eco-friendly', progressive ... support it

Am 22.01.25 um 23:50 schrieb Brian Holmes via nettime-l:
Anyone involved in the headliners of this post - or in teaching, free
software, and dozens of other idealistic pursuits - can well ask themselves
the question. What's the use, if the world is going to climate-change hell,
tech has poisoned people's brains and hearts, and your local fascist party
is about to get elected, or has just taken power?

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