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Re: <nettime> nettime-l Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5

On 23/01/2025 23:48, Brian Holmes via nettime-l wrote:
Concerning the guy in the restaurant who had the Trump stickers and said it
was just for fun, I told him it's not fun, it's fascist. The brutality is
evident and likely to grow much worse. It's no accident Musk gave a double
Nazi salute. They are trying to create the kind of fanaticism necessary to
beat the left out of existence and deport millions of people. It is not yet
certain they can do that, but they are trying. Their rhetoric is
increasingly fascist.

Rhetoric is probably an important term here:

"...John Sandweg, a former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement under Barack Obama, said today’s expected raids will likely target undocumented immigrants who have interacted with the criminal justice system, but been able to remain in the country.

“I don’t expect what they’re going to do tomorrow operationally is that different from what the Biden administration has been doing. I think what’s going to change here is the public emphasis and the attention they draw to their operations,” Sandweg said.

Ice often targets for deportation undocumented people who wind up in jail, but Sandweg said “a certain percentage of people slip through the cracks.”

Those people will likely be prime targets for the wave of raids Tom Homan promised:

But what Ice will do is they’ll go through and look at probation records and then target those individuals and go out into the cities and make apprehensions of them when they’re at large.

What I think Ice has planned for this week is going to be a massive, what we used to call a cross-check operation, where they go out there and hit the streets looking for these individuals on probation or parole. So, in that sense it’s not going to be different than what we’ve seen historically under Biden, under President Obama, under the first Trump administration.....".


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